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6/1916 WWI unfranked British army cv sent via Egyptian post, w/latest dated pmk
British WWI military mail in Egypt: 8 VI 1916 stampless OAS Savoy Hotel stationary cover from ALEXANDRIA to War Office LONDON, sent by Egyptian civilian post & tied by ALEXANDRIA-F postmark type A1 on last known date of use; free postage approved by officer (Andrew Balfour - possibly the famous Scottish medical officer); backstamped next day transit to military mail at BAPO Z (CAIRO) postmark Prou...
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
WWI unfranked/unendorsed British army cv via Egyptian PO, w/earliest dated pmk
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 7 NOV 1915 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from ALEXANDRIA to LONDON tied by ALEXANDRIA-S postmark type A7 on earliest known date of use; though lacking officer's endorsement for free postage, not taxed; opened roughtly at back, sliver of flap missing....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1915 WWI unfranked British army cv, UK via Egyptian PO; EKD postmark + cachet
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: front 1 XI 1915 stampless OAS YMCA/MEF stationary cover (FB YMC22) from Military Hospital in Citadel, CAIRO to AYSHIRE, tied by CAIRO-G postmark on earliest known date of use + "Colonel c/o MHCC" cachet (FB-NHC43) with facsimile signature; vertcal fold at center....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1915 WWI stpless British army cv UK via Egyptian PO; early date pmk + date error
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 21 V 1915 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from HELIOPOLIS to CARLISLE tied by local civilian postmark on 10th day of use of this type; backstamped 12 V 1915 CAIRO-A transit (probable mistake in this dateline); slit open at top....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate receipt stamped rare Haifa Licensing Authority postmark 1944
Mandate Haifa postmarks: full strike of 19 FE 1944 rare single-circle "LICENSING AUTHORITY" radio-telephone postmark GD-72 tied to section of receipt for driving test. Estimated value $100+...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
8/1939 Jewish refugee mail ex Egyptian Legation BUDAPEST to TEL AVIV, w/ cachet
Wartime incoming Jewish refugee-related mail: 19 AUG 1939 registered cover on stationary of the Royal Egyptian Legation in BUDAPEST to Leopold Bauer TEL AVIV, franked on back per period rate & tied by 3 strikes of local postmark + legation's cachet; b/s 24 AU 1939 REG Tel Aviv arrival (1 week before outbreak WWII). Manuscript on back details financial sums in different currencies: appears to be pa...
SOLD $79.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known Antiquities Department cachet on cv 1933
Mandate postal markings: 3(?) FE 1933 stampless local OHMS stationary cover from Dept of Antiquities JERUSALEM to Orthodox Patriarchate, tied by violet oval GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | DEPARTMENT of ANTIQUITIES | JERUSALEM cachet (53x34mm, as Sach-4a but 12 years before his earliest known date of use) on front; slit open at top, left back-flap tip missing....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1947
Mandate postal markings: 5 DEC 1947 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet boxed DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (52x27mm) on front/back (with endorsement on front) - as Sach-9a but with larger title & dotted "No." line & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have been in short us...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1948
Mandate postal markings: 15 JA 1948 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet oval DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (51.5x32mm) with endorsement (front & back) & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have replaced boxed cachet Sach-9a, used in 1947....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known District Commissioner cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 20 JA 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM property tax ordinance from District Commissioner to civilian, sealed by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label & tied by dated red oval DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES | JERUSALEM District cachet (Sach-30a - 18 months before his earliest known date of use; this color not recorded) & strike of local DC postmark....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Education Department cachet on mail 1932
Mandate postal markings: 14 AU 1932 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Education to school headmaster, tied by Sacher unlisted dated violet oval DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION | GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE cachet + "Certified official" instructional marking & strike of local postmark; sealed at back by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label; opened at right, top left back-flap tip missi...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Government House cachet on mail 1923
Mandate postal markings: 31 JA 1923(?) stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen, tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM | SECRETARIAT certified official cachet & strike of local postmark; slit open at left. Posting date unclear as postmark could be "22" or "23", while cachet is dated "25"....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Govt House cachet on Hugo Bergman cv 1925
Mandate postal markings: 29 JU 1925 stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen (c/o Hugo Bergman), tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & [post]dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM cachet & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival (Sach-J5); slit open at top. Born in Prague, Bergman was good friends with Franz Kafka & M...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Chief Secretary's Office cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 23 MY 1934 stampless governmental stationary cover from Chief Secretary's Office JERUSALEM to REHOVOT, tied by Sacher unlisted dated boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | Chef Secretary's Office | JERUSALEM certified official cachet (similar to Sach-14c but larger & different font, here 58x27mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day arrival (Dorf-5); opened roughly at...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Assistant Food Controller cachet on cv 1931
Mandate postal markings: 17 FE 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed call form (#62) from Assistant Food Controller to civilian, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by Sacher unlisted variant of Sach-36d dated boxed ASSISTANT FOOD CONTROLLER | JERUSALEM DISTRICT cachet & "certified official" instructional marking hand-stamp, here with serifed letters and narrower size (52x27mm) & strike of loc...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest known Rationing Office cachet on mail 1943
Mandate postal markings: 15 AP 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed form (resealed) from Fuel Oil Rationing Office to local business, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by endorsed boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | FUEL OIL | RATIONING OFFICE | JERUSALEM cachet (Sach-40a - more than 3 years before his earliest known date of use) on front/back + strike of local postmark; 1 or 2 filing holes....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest date Health Department cachet on mail 1934
Mandate postal markings: 9 NO 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS "Report on Mosquito Breeding" postcard from Department of Health to civilian, tied by dated DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER oval cachet (Sach-45f - here 8 years before his date of use) without "certified official" handstamp; tied by strike of local postmark....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1931
Mandate postal markings: 23 AP 1931 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Immigration & Travel Section to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted dated GOVERNMENT of PALESTINE | Immigration and Travel Section boxed cachet (49x18.5mm) & strike of local postmark; filing hole. opened roughly at back, complete....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1924
Mandate postal markings: 28 OC 1924 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Immigration & Travel to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted DEPARTMENT OF | IMMIGRATION AND TRAVEL | certified official boxed cachet (54.5x28mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival; slit open at top....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1949 Insurance policy w/Jerusalem Magen Yerushalayim + Israeli revenue franks
1949 JERUSALEM municipal tax stamp on document: 20-02-49 New Zealand Insurance Co. fire policy document franked by 10m & 20m 1st revenues (Ba REV3/4 - rough perf) + 5m emergency 'Magen Yerushalyim" stamp, cancelled by manuscript & company cachet....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
10 May 1948 Interim period Kofer HaYishuv label on wartime insurance document
1948 interim period Kofer HaYishuv on document: 10-05-1948 industrial property policy of the "Eretz-Israel Fund for Mutual Insurance from Damage in Time of Emergency" for period 2 - 31 May 1948, & signed on 10th, for 3800 Lira on 1500 Lira insurance for machines & raw materials from starch manufacturer; David De-Peus Ltd & Moshe Cohen as agents; franked using 50m Kofer HaYishuv insurance label, as...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
JNF/Jewish National Fund/KKL 1902 2nd issue stamp MNH American 2nd printing Kap3
JNF 2nd issue stamp: left double-tab 2-stamp row of 1902 dark blue on blue Zion Stamp, marked A1 & serial 282283 denoting 2nd printing American/US issue; serrate rouletted; MNH, ungummed. Kap-3/Roch-2G....
SOLD $39.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
JNF/Jewish National Fund/KKL 1953 Israeli Naphtali Imber 2x5 stamp sheet MNH/OG
JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: Israel Head Office 2 x 5 vertical sheet of 50p denominated 1953 Naphtali Imber stamps; MNH & OG, with serial number 19424 & star on bottom gutters (Kap 1520/Roch 1425)....
SOLD $39.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
JNF/Jewish National Fund/KKL US 1932 New Years 5c Zion stamp booklet pane MNH OG
JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: US-New York Head Office issue, 1932 'Shana Tova' New Years printing of the Zion Stamp with 5c denomination, 5 x 2 stamp booklet pane with imperforate perimeter; MNH & OG (Kap & Roch A41)....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Page 1 of 28
Results 1 - 24 of 671