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Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Govt House cachet on Hugo Bergman cv 1925

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

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Mandate postal markings: 29 JU 1925 stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen (c/o Hugo Bergman), tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & [post]dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM cachet & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival (Sach-J5); slit open at top. Born in Prague, Bergman was good friends with Franz Kafka & Max Brod (his publisher); he founded the 'Brit Shalom' movement with Martin Buber (1920) & served as the Hebrew University's first Rector from 1935-38.

سعر المزاد الافتتاحي: $99.00
اغلق المزاد على نسبة الإثنين، 11 أيار 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
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Mandate postal markings: 29 JU 1925 stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen (c/o Hugo Bergman), tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & [post]dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM cachet & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival (Sach-J5); slit open at top. Born in Prague, Bergman was good friends with Franz Kafka & Max Brod (his publisher); he founded the 'Brit Shalom' movement with Martin Buber (1920) & served as the Hebrew University's first Rector from 1935-38.