Post-Auction Direct Sale $5,500.00
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The rare Austrian Crete issued 10c Ba #103 carmine on rose as printed matter postage: 11 VII 1914 hand-dated & postmarked picture postcard of the Mount of Olives, from JERUSALEM to BANKESZI Hungary (present-day BANOV Slovakia), with message in Hungarian numbering less than 5 words - so franked 10 centimes per period printed matter postcard rate (reduced from the standard 20c postcard rate), using the very rare 1908 10 Centimes carmine on rose paper Austrian issue stamp for Crete with French denomination of the Emperor's Jubilee series (Ba #103) & tied by single strike of the local Austrian PO postmark (index letter unclear); backstamped 21 JUL arrival (eg. a week before the outbreak of World War I); lower right corner tear repaired, complete. Rare combination of franking and rate - the reduced printed matter rate on postcards is generally seen on Ottoman Holyland post and much less on foreign post office mails.