Post-Auction Direct Sale $450.00
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3 1949


Rare incoming mail to small Jewish settlement (Mesha-Tavor): 15-04-1914 commercial cover on business stationary ("Cloth and Manufactory Trade | A. U. Katznelson" - суконно-мануфактурная торговля) from OVRUCH Ukraine to "Colonie MESHA-TABOR near Tiberias" & addressed in French to P. Katznelson c/o J. Rotblatt, franked on reverse (probably standard overseas letter rate) & tied by 1 strike of local postmark on front and 2x on back; backstamped 8-5-1914 CAIFA transit via the Austrian Postal service (postmark Ba 115) which handled mail to the Jewish settlements & 9-5-1914 TIBERIADE (Tiberias) arrival via the Ottoman Turkish post (black postmark Ba 813).
Addressee may be Pinchas Katznelson, who appears to have been of a Hassidic lineage (grandson of Rabbi Yitzchak, son of Rabbi Yehudah) but of a more secular orientation, involved in the forestry business, who returned to Russia later that year and stood to be drafted into the army in September & possibly a distant relative of the Zionist leader Berl Katznelson who was in Northern Israel at that time. Joseph Rotblatt was born in the settlement, was a friend of the future Palmach commander Yigal Allon - also a settlement native, and was killed in 1937 while serving as a 'Noter' (settlement guard).
The Jewish settlement is now known as Kfar Tavor & was established in 1901 and initially called by the name of an earlier nearby Moslem town called Mesha (Mecha/Miskha). Backflap missing. Rare mail of a tiny settlement, especially as overseas incoming mail + as cover and not postcard. Of the few articles of mail associated with this locale most are addressed without "Tabor" in the name.