Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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1 2021


WWII era eastbound mail: 8 NO 1941 cover on Windsor Hotel stationary from HAIFA to "Nairn Transport Co. Ltd" (the operators of "Baghdad overland" service) DAMASCUS, franked 15m using single Ba108 per period "overland" service though cover not marked such (period non-UK surface rate was 20m) & tied by strike of local postmark; cover opened/resealed by a Haifa censor using white PC22 label; backstamped 17 III 42 BEYROUTH transit, where Free French censor opened/resealed cover with creme label & marked the cover with handstamp & officer's endorsement + 19 III 1942 DAMAS arrival; cut open at right. Nicely documented cover per Nairn's northern route - very slow transit time. Per Collins et. al. "all mail going eastwards is scarce to very rare"; he recorded 13 covers from Palestine.