Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Israeli "no service" marks on mail from Arab states: 15 NO 1952 surface mailed cover from JERUSALEM (Jordan - no return address) to COPACABANA Brazil, franked 4m & tied by strike of local postmark; backstamped 8 JAN 1953 COPACABANA arrival but as addressee left (instructional handstamp on back), returned to sender ("verso" please turn over manuscript notation + "AU REMETENTE" instructional marking handstamp on front): mis-routed via ISRAEL, where backstamped 17-6-53 HAIFA arrival (circa. 6 months since Brazil arrival) + "PAS DE SERVICE" instructional marking handstamp K-Type-H.I.2 on last known date of use & "returned" to sender. Rare: less than 20 covers known stamped with Type-H.I.2. Cut open at left.