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Israeli "no service" marks on mail to Arab states: 25 I 1956 airmail [printed matter] wrapper from DÚN LAOGHAIRE Ireland to JERUSALEM (no country specified), franked 9d & tied by strike of local postmark; as no destination country specified, Irish Post Office may have added "Israel" in manuscript (light blue crayon, upper left front) & routed via ISRAEL, where address was found to belong to the "Arab Zone" (eg. EAST JERUSALEM; English manuscript on front); "Israel" crossed off & cover marked by Israeli JERUSALEM Post Office "PAS DE SERVICE VIA ISRAEL" boxed instructional marking handstamp K-Type-J.I.3 & returned to sender; cover resent to JORDAN where backstamped 9 MAR 56 JERUSALEM CITADEL arrival. Less than 50 covers known such stamped - this is the only one from Ireland, rare as a wrapper.