Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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Jordanian post-1967 War mail to Israel via Red Cross: 13-6-1967 [airmail] cover from BRUSSELS to JERUSALEM "JORDAN", franked 7F & tied by local machine cancel; as of 7 June locale part of Israel, but cover routed via JORDAN, where backstamped 19 JUN 67 AMMAN transit: between June-Aug 1967 Jordan accumulated all mail received for newly Israeli-conquered territories & then delivered them via Red Cross in Sept.
Here as cover backstamped AMMAN after 7 June, cover not captured by Israel & as backstamped 29-9-67 using Israeli postmark (East JERUSALEM post office; Nacht 289/131), this cover was transferred by Red Cross. Less than 50 such covers known & rare as hard to identify (no special markings), here with Israeli receipt mark on earliest known date of receipt of mail via Red Cross. Slit open at top, vertical fold towards right; a few corner creases.