Post-Auction Direct Sale $360.00
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Jordanian post-1967 War mail to Israel via Red Cross: 26 VI 1967 aerogramme with correspondence in Arabic & French from WILLOWDALE Canada to RAMALLAH "ISRAEL", pre-franked 10c & tied by local machine cancel; as of 6 June locale part of Israel, but cover still routed via JORDAN, where backstamped 2 JUL 67 AMMAN transit & references to "Israel" in the address obliterated and replaced with "Occupied Jordan": between June-Aug 1967 Jordan accumulated all mail received for newly Israeli-conquered territories & then delivered them via Red Cross in Sept.
Here as cover backstamped AMMAN after 6 June, this cover not captured by Israel & as backstamped 3-10-67 using Israeli Army RAMALLA(sic)-4 trilingual postmark (Israeli Military Governorate zone; Nacht 521/4), this cover was transferred by Red Cross. Less than 50 such covers known & rare as hard to identify (no special markings) - very rare here as Western originating mail with non-JERUSALEM addressee, less than 5 such covers known. Rare also as combined Red Cross + IDF handled mail. Unusual case of correctly addressed mail being misrouted and handled like Jordanian-addressed postwar mail.