Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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0 2008


Multiple tax franking on cover with erronious sending/receiving addresses + major postmark error: 4-5-1949 (1st Independence Day) local JERUSALEM cover from the World Mizrachi Center to private individual, mailed unfranked & tied by the special 1st Day 'Flag Stamp' slogan postmark (Nacht #8) - where the letters "Hey" are actually "Chet" (in any case an odd combination of a 1st day cancel on an unfranked cover) - on the blank field of the cover; taxed the next day 30Pr for double the missing postage (manuscript notation + boxed cachet on front), using upper marginal block of 6x 5pr 1st postage due franks (Ba #PD2) tied by 2x strikes of the Jerusalem-16 postmark; however the receiving address was incomplete (manuscript notation + Mandate era boxed instructional marking handstamp on back) - and so was the return address (the post office box noted as being erronious), circled by pen; the postage dues were annulled by 2 strikes of the Hebrew-language PAYMENT NOT COLLECTED boxed cross cachets; opened gently at back, vertical fold. Rare circumstance for non-collection of postage dues.