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Mandate London II overprint A2 15pc 1m stamp plate block, Ba #71 MNH & OG
London II plate blocks: lower left plate block (overprint A2) of 15x (5 x 3) 1m stamps in sepia (Ba 71) without left margin, featuring overprint arrangement variety for positions (from left to right) 205-209, 217-221, 229-233: damaged plate 221 (far right 2nd row) with frame over 2nd 'E' in upper EEF + missing stop in lower panel, plate 206 with missing stops in upper & lower panels, plate 208 wit...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Mandate London II overprint B 15pc 1m stamp plate block, Ba #71a MH & OG
London II plate blocks: lower left plate block (overprint B) of 15x (5 x 3) 1m stamps in deep brown (Ba 71a) with left margin, featuring overprint arrangement variety for positions (from left to right) 205-209, 217-221, 229-233: plate 221 (far right 2nd row) without frame-patch over 2nd 'E' in upper EEF + missing stop in lower panel, plate 206 with missing stops in upper & lower panels, plate 208 ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Mandate London II overprint A1 under-inked 15pc 1m stamp plate block Ba 71 MH OG
London II plate blocks: lower left plate block (overprint A1; under-inked plates) of 15x (5 x 3) 1m stamps in sepia (Ba 71) with left margin (imperforated as typical for plate A), featuring overprint arrangement variety for positions (from left to right) 205-209, 217-221, 229-233: damaged plate 221 (far right 2nd row) with frame-patch over 2nd 'E' in upper EEF + missing stop in lower panel, plate ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Mandate London II overprint on used 13m stamp with undocumented plate flaw
London II overprint - unrecorded printing error: 13mil deep-ultramarine with 14:14 perf (Ba 79b; plate B issue) with mangled design in top right corner extending into upper field ("POSTAGE"), due to broken plate during the printing process; used....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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Palestine Mandate 1928 mixed franking mail including stamp with double overprint
Mixed franking with double overprint: 18 MR 1928 registered cover from TIBERIAS to HAIFA, franked 18m per period rate using 1m London II (plate B) with double overprint (Ba 71c) & 4m (Ba 74) + 13m Pictoral (Ba 98) & tied by 3 strikes of local postmark Dorf-3; backstamped same day REG HAIFA arrival (GD-55); wax sealed at back, slit open at top (top left flap tip missing). Extremely rare franking & ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $675.00
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