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Palestine Mandate receipt stamped rare Haifa Licensing Authority postmark 1944
Mandate Haifa postmarks: full strike of 19 FE 1944 rare single-circle "LICENSING AUTHORITY" radio-telephone postmark GD-72 tied to section of receipt for driving test. Estimated value $100+...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known Antiquities Department cachet on cv 1933
Mandate postal markings: 3(?) FE 1933 stampless local OHMS stationary cover from Dept of Antiquities JERUSALEM to Orthodox Patriarchate, tied by violet oval GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | DEPARTMENT of ANTIQUITIES | JERUSALEM cachet (53x34mm, as Sach-4a but 12 years before his earliest known date of use) on front; slit open at top, left back-flap tip missing....
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1947
Mandate postal markings: 5 DEC 1947 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet boxed DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (52x27mm) on front/back (with endorsement on front) - as Sach-9a but with larger title & dotted "No." line & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have been in short us...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1948
Mandate postal markings: 15 JA 1948 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet oval DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (51.5x32mm) with endorsement (front & back) & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have replaced boxed cachet Sach-9a, used in 1947....
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known District Commissioner cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 20 JA 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM property tax ordinance from District Commissioner to civilian, sealed by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label & tied by dated red oval DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES | JERUSALEM District cachet (Sach-30a - 18 months before his earliest known date of use; this color not recorded) & strike of local DC postmark....
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Education Department cachet on mail 1932
Mandate postal markings: 14 AU 1932 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Education to school headmaster, tied by Sacher unlisted dated violet oval DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION | GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE cachet + "Certified official" instructional marking & strike of local postmark; sealed at back by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label; opened at right, top left back-flap tip missi...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Government House cachet on mail 1923
Mandate postal markings: 31 JA 1923(?) stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen, tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM | SECRETARIAT certified official cachet & strike of local postmark; slit open at left. Posting date unclear as postmark could be "22" or "23", while cachet is dated "25"....
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Govt House cachet on Hugo Bergman cv 1925
Mandate postal markings: 29 JU 1925 stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen (c/o Hugo Bergman), tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & [post]dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM cachet & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival (Sach-J5); slit open at top. Born in Prague, Bergman was good friends with Franz Kafka & M...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Chief Secretary's Office cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 23 MY 1934 stampless governmental stationary cover from Chief Secretary's Office JERUSALEM to REHOVOT, tied by Sacher unlisted dated boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | Chef Secretary's Office | JERUSALEM certified official cachet (similar to Sach-14c but larger & different font, here 58x27mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day arrival (Dorf-5); opened roughly at...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Assistant Food Controller cachet on cv 1931
Mandate postal markings: 17 FE 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed call form (#62) from Assistant Food Controller to civilian, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by Sacher unlisted variant of Sach-36d dated boxed ASSISTANT FOOD CONTROLLER | JERUSALEM DISTRICT cachet & "certified official" instructional marking hand-stamp, here with serifed letters and narrower size (52x27mm) & strike of loc...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest known Rationing Office cachet on mail 1943
Mandate postal markings: 15 AP 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed form (resealed) from Fuel Oil Rationing Office to local business, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by endorsed boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | FUEL OIL | RATIONING OFFICE | JERUSALEM cachet (Sach-40a - more than 3 years before his earliest known date of use) on front/back + strike of local postmark; 1 or 2 filing holes....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest date Health Department cachet on mail 1934
Mandate postal markings: 9 NO 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS "Report on Mosquito Breeding" postcard from Department of Health to civilian, tied by dated DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER oval cachet (Sach-45f - here 8 years before his date of use) without "certified official" handstamp; tied by strike of local postmark....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1931
Mandate postal markings: 23 AP 1931 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Immigration & Travel Section to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted dated GOVERNMENT of PALESTINE | Immigration and Travel Section boxed cachet (49x18.5mm) & strike of local postmark; filing hole. opened roughly at back, complete....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1924
Mandate postal markings: 28 OC 1924 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Immigration & Travel to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted DEPARTMENT OF | IMMIGRATION AND TRAVEL | certified official boxed cachet (54.5x28mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival; slit open at top....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Rare 1918 1m franked printed matter mail ex JERUSALEM to British army, NAZARETH
1st Day Mandate OETA / printed matter mail: 11 NO 1918 printed-matter greeting-card sized cover on "British Manufacture" stationary from JERUSALEM to officer in RAMC NAZERETH franked 1m per period 50g inland printed-matter rate using 1m typographed corner frank with gutters (Ba5) tied by full strike OETA EEF JERUSALEM single-circle date-stamp (Sacher-A8 - 28½mm size with index letter "A", as ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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Palestine Mandate 1928 mixed franking mail including stamp with double overprint
Mixed franking with double overprint: 18 MR 1928 registered cover from TIBERIAS to HAIFA, franked 18m per period rate using 1m London II (plate B) with double overprint (Ba 71c) & 4m (Ba 74) + 13m Pictoral (Ba 98) & tied by 3 strikes of local postmark Dorf-3; backstamped same day REG HAIFA arrival (GD-55); wax sealed at back, slit open at top (top left flap tip missing). Extremely rare franking & ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $675.00
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6/1941 Palestine Mandate small locale mail to *Kibbutz Lashichrur*
Mandate small locales: 6 JU 1941 uprated Mandate postal stationary postcard from JERUSALEM to KIBBUTZ LASHICHRUR (via Rechovot PO), franked with pre-printed 4m + 3m Pictorals stamps per period inland postcard rate. Hebrew long message on back. This Kibbutz was established in 1934 by Polish & Hungarian members of the HaShomer HaTzair Zionist-Socialist youth movement; it was one of 3 settlements kno...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Palestine Mandate rare 2m printed matter rate postage applied to newspaper 1943
Rare 2 mils printed matter rate applied to The Union of Religious Writers weekly paper "BaMishor" ('In the Field'), tied by 2m pictoral stamp (Ba 90), from JERUSALEM to TEL AVIV 23 DE 43. Sent to a "Sh. Ch. Kook" - probably Rabbi Shlomo Kook (1929-1971), a nephew of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook, who also contributed articles to this paper (including this edition) and redirected to his post o...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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Palestine Mandate rare 2m printed matter rate pre-paid applied to newspaper 1943
Rare 2 mils printed matter rate applied to The Union of Religious Writers weekly paper "BaMishor" ('In the Field') using "postage paid" postmark (Sacher E15 - 4 months after his latest recorded date of 17 AU 43), from JERUSALEM to TEL AVIV 26 JA 44. Sent to a "Sh. Ch. Kook" - probably Rabbi Shlomo Kook (1929-1971), a nephew of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook, who also contributed articles to th...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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7/1946 Arabic written mail from KIBBUTZ to HAIFA with Mandate & British stamps
British franks on WWII era Mandate civilian mail: unusual 5 JULY 1946 printed matter cover all in Arabic from Kibbutz MISHMAR HAEMEK (return addressed "Ibrahim Nemery Al - Qantar" - KANTARA) to "Dear Sir Mordechai Presker, HaShiloach Street 9" HAIFA, franked 3m using Mandate pictorals stamp + single British 1d stamp (valued at 4x 1m) for a total of 7m - 1m overfranking for double 50g period printe...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Palestine Mandate official mail ex Haifa to Acco Prison re-routed to Majdal 1930
Mandate Haifa postmarks / Saturday mail: 10 AP 1930 stampless "certified official" cover on OHMS stationary from "Station Office 'B' Division Haifa" (cachet on front) to Arab prisoner at Acre Prison, tied by HAIFA BAZAAR.B.O. postmark GD-108 on 1st day of use and backstamped same day HAIFA transit; dispatched unusually on Saturday 12/04 (this possible per postal regulations at post offices & posta...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $45.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa mail using Ahuzat Samuel postmark on 1st day of use 1938
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 24 JY 1938 local commercial cover franked 5m per period letter rate using Pictorals Ba93 tied by scarce double-ringed AHUZAT SAMUEL HAIFA postmark GD-115/Sach-J3 on 1st day of use; torn open at back but complete.....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa cv w/rare Licensing Authority pmk on last day use
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 23 OC 1946 front of stampless "certified official" registered cover from HAIFA to ACRE tied by rare SC "LICENSING AUTHORITY" radio-telephone postmark GD-72 here on last known date of use - this usually used on license forms but also as letter canceller; frayed edges. Estimated value $150+...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa mail w/ unrecorded machine cancel w/ 2 DIFFERENT DATES
Mandate Haifa postmarks: machine cancel GD-88/Sach-F5 with different dated date-heads 2 DEC 47 and 2 JAN 48 tied to local commercial printed-matter cover franked 3m per period rate; unsealed per printed-matter regulations. Rare error unrecorded in GD and Sacher....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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