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8/1939 Jewish refugee mail ex Egyptian Legation BUDAPEST to TEL AVIV, w/ cachet
Wartime incoming Jewish refugee-related mail: 19 AUG 1939 registered cover on stationary of the Royal Egyptian Legation in BUDAPEST to Leopold Bauer TEL AVIV, franked on back per period rate & tied by 3 strikes of local postmark + legation's cachet; b/s 24 AU 1939 REG Tel Aviv arrival (1 week before outbreak WWII). Manuscript on back details financial sums in different currencies: appears to be pa...
SOLD $79.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
11/1941 WWII era eastbound overland mail from HAIFA to DAMASCUS via BEIRUT
WWII era eastbound mail: 8 NO 1941 cover on Windsor Hotel stationary from HAIFA to "Nairn Transport Co. Ltd" (the operators of "Baghdad overland" service) DAMASCUS, franked 15m using single Ba108 per period "overland" service though cover not marked such (period non-UK surface rate was 20m) & tied by strike of local postmark; cover opened/resealed by a Haifa censor using white PC22 label; backstam...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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10/1943 WWII censored eastbound overland airmail ex TEHRAN to HAIFA via BAGHDAD
WWII period westbound Baghdad overland mail from Iran: 26 X 1943 registered airmail cover from TEHERAN to HAIFA, franked (on back, covering most of return address) 22D & tied by multiple strikes of local postmark + Persian air mail etiquette on front; opened/resealed locally & tied by #4 Russian & #15 English "Anglo-Soviet-Persian Censorship" handstamp (front/back) + Persian "7" censor cachet (fro...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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UNIQUE WWII 10/1939 Palestine cv to Nazi Germany received, processed & returned!
TRANSMITTED & RETURNED wartime civilian mail to Third Reich: Sept-Oct 1939 commercial cover on Etz Hayim Yeshiva stationary (marked "return postage guaranteed") from JERUSALEM to SILUTE "Lithuania", missing frank (probably Ba108 15m for surface rate) which removed; as of 23-03-1939 locale part of German-annexed Memelland (not Lithuania), hence processed by Wehrmacht censor ("Auslandsbriefprüf...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $6,800.00
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10-09-1939 outbreak WWII censored suspended service mail from TEL AVIV to POLAND
Outbreak WWII suspended service outbound mail: 10 SP 1939 surface mail postal stationary postcard from TEL AVIV to BELZ Poland, in Hebrew-lettered Yiddish on Mandate postal stationary prefranked 8m per period overseas rate, tied by local double-ringed postmark; address subsequently crossed out by crayon & postcard stamped "return to". Here, war on 10th day but Belz not yet occupied (c. 14-15 Sept)...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $160.00
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7-09-1939 start WWII Jewish airmail from GENEVA to BEIRUT, re-routed to TEL AVIV
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 7 IX 1939 uprated airmail postcard from GENEVA to BEIRUT ("for Jewish emigres"), franked 20Rp; re-routed to TEL AVIV (manuscript), passed Palestine censor & arrived TEL AVIV 24 SP 39. Dispatched 6 days after start of WWII; route: rail to Marseilles & via air to Beirut; rail to TEL AVIV. Quick journey - 17 days in transit....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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WWII/Holocaust era Red Cross cv ex Hungarian occupied Slovakian town to TEL AVIV
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 7 FEB 1940 stampless Red Cross postcard from BALASSAGYARMAT Hungary to TEL AVIV on bilingual French/Hungarian Red Cross stationary; noted "toll free" for internees of belligerent countries; passed Palestine censor T3. Appears pre-stamped by Hungarian authority in Kóvár (Koláre), a Hungarian-occupied area of Slovakia as of March 1939 close to locale. W...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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2/1940 WWII airmail from Greece to TEL AVIV, censored & passed exchange control
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 8 II 1940 uprated airmail postcard in French (family correspondence) from THESSALONIKI to TEL AVIV, pre-franked 5d + 13d additional for airmail, tied by 2 strikes of local postmark + Greek airmail etiquette; postcard tied by double-ring handstamp of the "exchange control" authority (ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΠΡΟΣ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $45.00
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4/1940 WWII censored mail from KIEV to TEL AVIV
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 13-4-1940 postcard from KIEV-VOKZAL train station to TEL AVIV, franked 30 kopeks & tied by single strike of local postmark; passed T3 Palestine censor in TEL AVIV....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $45.00
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19-06-1940 WWII Fall France suspended service cv ex ZURICH to TLV via France
1940 Fall of France suspended service incoming mail: 19 VI 1940 commercial cover on stationary of Swiss Postal Bank ZURICH to 'Kupat Am Bank' in TEL AVIV franked 30Ra per postage period rate using machine cancel, halted midway & marked by odd lettered "Service postaI(capital "i" for final "L") suspendu" handstamp; vertical fold; slit open at top. In June postal routes to Palestine via France were ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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5/1940 WWII express airmail ex HAIFA delayed by fall Holland & DELIVERED 12/1940
EXTRAORDINARY WWII wartime postal link: 5 MY 1940 express airmail cover orginally containing letter in German, on Palestinian "Doar" stationary from HAIFA to Jewish addressee Leo Lichtenstern THE HAGUE (Holland) & franked 45m per rare and short-lived period rate (1 May - 30 June 1940) using pair 20m + 5m single franks (20m express fee + 25m non-BOAC/Imperial Airlines rate to Europe) & tied by 2 st...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $4,000.00
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27-06-1940 censored a/m ex Yugoslavia to HAIFA via Aeroput & Imperial airlines
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 27 JUNE 1940 airmail cover from BELGRADE to HAIFA franked 10 Dinars; backstamped 28 VI 40 machine transit postmark at local airport (ZEMUN) & 30/06 ISTANBUL transit; opened & passed Palestine Censor + 8 JY 40 HADAR HACARMEL (Haifa) arrival (GD-98). Route: as Italy entered the War on 10 June, Ala-Italia airlines unavailable; as no German censor-mark, not taken by DLH...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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7/1940 WWII 1st day mail ex Latvian SSR foreign ministry to consul in JERUSALEM
Latvian SSR "1st day" official incoming overseas mail: 22.7.40 [official] registered surface cover on stationary of the Latvian Foreign Ministry in Soviet-occupied RIGA to [Jewish-Palestinian] Latvian Consul M. Caspi in JERUSALEM, franked 96 Sant. (75s international registered letter rate + 2x10s additional weight) tied by 3 strikes of local postmark; marked "via USSR" as it occupied Latvia on 17 ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $450.00
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WWII/Holocaust era cv ex Rabbi Dushinsky HUNGARY to JERUSALEM, no return address
Wartime incoming civilian/Rabbinic mail: 19 JUL 1940 uprated postcard in Hungarian from MAKO Hungary to Chief Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, JERUSALEM, franked 20f at postage period rate & tied by strike of local postmark; passed J4 Palestine censor (Sach-Q21a) in JERUSALEM & stamped with scarce 3-line boxed "Please request sender..." full name/address instructional marking (Sach Q42 - predates his O...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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8/1940 WWII/Vichy French cv ex LYON to TLV just after renewed postal relations
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 10-08-1940 uprated postcard from LYON (now Vichy France) to TEL AVIV franked 1.50Fr; received in Palestine as per hexigonal T5 Tel Aviv censor cachet. The UK suspended postal services to France and her colonies on 25 June 1940, on the same date the Vichy government was installed; Vichy severed diplomatic ties with the UK on 8 July following her attack on French Flee...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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9/1940 WWII/Holocaust era mail from Palestine to Romania, undelivered & returned
Wartime outbound civilian mail: 1 SEP 1940 postcard from TEL AVIV to sender's mother at a Jewish institute(?) "Jüd Redacti" in PUTNA Romania, written in German, franked 10m per 8m overseas postcard rate & tied by single strike of local postmark; passed Palestine Censor T6(?) either on dispatch or return; unclear double-ringed transit mark on local postmark (appears Soviet, without date-bridge...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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9/1940 WWII/Holocaust era Jewish mail ex Soviet-occupied LVOV to HAIFA, CENSORED
Wartime incoming civilian mail: rare 18-9-1940 uprated registered postcard from Soviet-occupied LVOV to HAIFA, in German between two Jews, franked 1.10R & tied by 2 strikes of Lvov/Lviv postmark; checked & censored(!) by Palestine censor H28 (Sach-Q24; 3 lines whited-out & overprinted by cachet); 5 NO 40 transit REG HAIFA & next day delivery. Rare rate, route & censorship (USSR & UK mutually neutr...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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9/1940 WWII/Holocaust censored mail from Soviet-occupied LVOV to HAIFA
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 23-09-1940 uprated registered postcard in German on Soviet postal stationary, from Soviet-occupied LVOV to HAIFA, pre-franked 30Kop + additional 20Kop applied & tied by 2 strikes of local Soviet Post postmark + Polish registry handstamp; passed Haifa Palestine Censor H34 (Sach-Q24 - almost a year after his last known date of use; also recorded as being used only for...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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WWII/Holocaust era Jewish mail from Hungarian occupied KLAUSENBURG to TEL AVIV
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 8 X 1940 cover from KOLOZSVAR (Klausenburg) Hungary to TEL AVIV, franked 40f per period surface rate to Palestine; passed T5 censor (Sach-21a) in TEL AVIV. Rare origin & period: locale occupied by Hungary a month earlier (from Romania 11 Sept.); Hungary entered WWII shortly after, on 20 Nov. 1940. Locale was home-town of important Sanz-Klausenburg Hassidic dynasty. ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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1940 WWII cv ex HAIFA to Soviet-occupied LVOV; undelivered & returned to HADERA
Wartime outbound civilian mail: 22 OCT 40 registered postcard in German from HAIFA (return addressed Maabarot) to Soviet-occupied LVOV franked 25m using Ba93/99 per period surface mail 23m rate & tied by full strike HAIFA NAHLA B.O. postmark (GD-120); same day REG HAIFA transit; received LVOV 2-12-40 but as address unknown, marked such (manuscript & French instructional handstamp) & returned to se...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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11/1940 WWII Jewish cv, Soviet-occupied BEREZHANY to HAIFA, multiple re-routing
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 5 XI 1940 uprated registered postcard from Soviet-occupied BEREZHANY to HAIFA, in German between 2 Jews, franked 80Kop (2 franks may be missing - postage period rate was 1.10R) & tied by 3 strikes of Berezhany Tarnopol Oblast postmark; passed Palestine Censor H22 & front-stamped 10 JA 41 REG HAIFA arrival, but re-routed to hospital in PETACH TIKVA: front-stamped nex...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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11/1940 WWII/Holocaust era Red Cross mail from BRUSSELS to HAIFA & censored
Red Cross Holocaust-era/WWII postal link: 8 NOV 1940 cover on Belgian Red Cross stationary from BRUSSELS (German-occupied Belgium) to HAIFA (Palestine), franked 1.75Fr & tied by machine slogan cancel; subsequently opened by the Haifa censor at left & resealed with Sach-Q10 red/white label # 71/10833 & tied by H-29 boxed censor handstamp Sach-Q21 (whose last known date of use per Sacher was 12 Sept...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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12/1940 WWII-Holocaust Danish Red Cross mail ex occupied COPENHAGEN to TEL AVIV
Wartime WWII/Holocaust-era incoming Red Cross mail: stampless Danish Red Cross contact form with 25 word message in English dated 11-12-1940 from German-occupied COPENHAGEN to TEL AVIV, tied by local Danish Red Cross cachet + air mail etiquette - this unusual; front-stamped by IRC GENEVA circular cachet + 23 DEC 1940 transit (dater at bottom; relatively quick transit time - perhaps by airmail); pa...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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3/1941 triple-censored WWII Jewish mail from YEMEN to TEL AVIV via CAIRO & HAIFA
Wartime incoming civilian mail: 26(?) MAR(?) 1941 cover from Jewish sender SANAA (Yemen; no return address) to The Brothers Y. M. Amir TEL AVIV (addressed in Arabic & Hebrew in Yemenite-styled writing), franked 6 Boc. (back) per period surface rate & tied by strike of local postmark; triple-censored: passed censor 6 at ADEN (front); backstamped 3 AP 1941 CAIRO transit + Egyptian civilian censor (f...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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