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6/1916 WWI unfranked British army cv sent via Egyptian post, w/latest dated pmk
British WWI military mail in Egypt: 8 VI 1916 stampless OAS Savoy Hotel stationary cover from ALEXANDRIA to War Office LONDON, sent by Egyptian civilian post & tied by ALEXANDRIA-F postmark type A1 on last known date of use; free postage approved by officer (Andrew Balfour - possibly the famous Scottish medical officer); backstamped next day transit to military mail at BAPO Z (CAIRO) postmark Prou...
SOLD $59.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
WWI unfranked/unendorsed British army cv via Egyptian PO, w/earliest dated pmk
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 7 NOV 1915 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from ALEXANDRIA to LONDON tied by ALEXANDRIA-S postmark type A7 on earliest known date of use; though lacking officer's endorsement for free postage, not taxed; opened roughtly at back, sliver of flap missing....
SOLD $59.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1915 WWI unfranked British army cv, UK via Egyptian PO; EKD postmark + cachet
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: front 1 XI 1915 stampless OAS YMCA/MEF stationary cover (FB YMC22) from Military Hospital in Citadel, CAIRO to AYSHIRE, tied by CAIRO-G postmark on earliest known date of use + "Colonel c/o MHCC" cachet (FB-NHC43) with facsimile signature; vertcal fold at center....
SOLD $59.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1915 WWI stpless British army cv UK via Egyptian PO; early date pmk + date error
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 21 V 1915 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from HELIOPOLIS to CARLISLE tied by local civilian postmark on 10th day of use of this type; backstamped 12 V 1915 CAIRO-A transit (probable mistake in this dateline); slit open at top....
SOLD $59.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01


1956 Sinai War era stampless Suez Canal Clearance Group mail to US via UN Pouch
1956 Suez Campaign mail: December 1956 stampless cover on United Nations (UN) stationery from UN Suez Canal Clearance Group at PORT SAID to UN Office of the Controller NEW YORK, carried "via UN [diplomatic] Pouch" per instructional marking on front & tied by illustrated bilingual Arabic-English circular handstamp of the Suez Canal Clearance Group, enabling the mail for postage-free official ma...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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4-5 Feb. 1861 1st day of Confederacy/Civil War mail using US Postage
Independent States & CSA Use of US Postage > Georgia & South Carolina - 1st Day of the Confederacy: Feb. 4 1861 (1st Day of Confederacy) docketed cover from SAVANNAH Georgia to CHARLESTON South Carolina, franked 3c per period (US) domestic letter rate using US #26 dull red Washington Type III stamp, tied by round grid obliterator & FEB 5 [1861] local circular date-stamp in field (1st full day of t...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $850.00
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1 June 1861 1st Day Confederate Postal service MOBILE to MACON Civil War mail
1st Day of the Confederate Postal System: stampless JUN 1 1861 postmarked cover from MOBILE Alabama to Dr. W. Hopkins of MACON Mississippi, tied by near-full strike of full-dated double ringed datestamp & boxed PAID 5 handstamp (CSA cat type B - similar but slightly different "5" digit); professionally rebacked with original cover backside; most of the original gum is intact - possibly mailed unse...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,100.00
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20 June 1861 Interim Independent/Confederate East Tennessee Civil War mail
Interim Independent / Confederate Tennessee era mail: stampless "MONTVALE Tenn 20th June 1861" manuscript dated cover to "Hon. Howell Cobb, RICHMOND, Virginia", with manuscript notation at top right "Pd 5 Cts".Interesting postal history: the Confederacy suspended Federal mail service within its borders as of 1 June - but not in Tennessee, whose government had not yet passed an Ordinance of Secessi...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $850.00
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30 July 1861 Southbound Across-the-Lines Private Express LOUISVILLE-MACON mail
Southbound Across-the-Lines Private Express mail: JUL 30 1861 postmarked 3c star-die (POD US watermarked) envelope (US #U27) from LOUISVILLE Kentucky to J. F. Dickinson of MACON Georgia, carried by the Adams Express Company, which tied its full-dated ADAMS EX. CO. circular datestamp to the embossed frank; the manuscript "2/-" near the frank was shorthand for the total express charge to pay over an...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,350.00
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8/1861 Civil War Prize Court captured blockade-runner SOUTH CAROLINA-CUBA mail
Civil War 'Prize Court' captured "blockade-runner" mail: stampless AUG 15 [1861] postmarked cover from PENDLETON South Carolina to "Emilio Puig, Care of Spanish Consul, CHARLESTON S.C.", tied by full single strike of local circular datestamp in blue & [postage] PAID 5 handstamp (CSA type C) at top right. The year of dispatch is confirmed by the rate paid: on 1 July 1862 the domestic letter rate wa...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,600.00
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4 May 1862 Confederate States Navy USS VIRGINIA/MERRIMACK drop-letter rate mail
Confederate States Navy "MERRIMACK" / drop-letter rate mail: MAY 4 [1862] postmarked outer lettersheet (light-blue lined writing paper) to Mrs. H. Ashton Ramsay, Care of D’Arcy Paul, Esq., PETERSBURG [Virginia], franked 5 cents using a single blue CSA 4-2 stamp with large to full margins, affixed with red sealing wax & tied by single strike of local postmark in blue - this being an overpaid...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,100.00
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Louisiana PATTERSONVILLE Confederate Army Reserve Corps couriered military mail
Confederate Army couriered mail: dateless/stampless cover addressed to "Captain Wm. Devlin, Com'dg C.S.R. Corps, PATTERSONVILLE, La [Louisiana]", with manuscript directive at lower left "Per Courier" & endorsement at top "Official | Hd. Qrs En'g. Officer | Psh of St. Mary". Opened roughly at right (piece missing); opened on all 3 sides for display.The cover was sent from the Headquarters of the En...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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Aug 1870 Franco-Prussian War incoming Martinique-PARIS mail with 3 color franks
Franco-Prussian War era incoming overseas mail: 9 AUG 1870 stamped folded letter from ST. PIERRE (Martinique) to PARIS, franked 70c using 3-color French Colonial frankings (Mi 3, 4, 5) tied by 3 strikes of the local MQE initialled lozenge obliterators + 'paid to destination' red PD cachet; front-stamped 27 AUG 1870 arrival - about a week before the downfall of the Second Empire & the establishment...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $360.00
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1900 Boer War early date stampless mail ex POW Port Elizabeth concentration camp
Second Boer War (1899-1902) mail: 13 DEC 1900 stampless plain envelope endorsed "No Stamps Available / from Prisoner of War" in PORT ELIZABETH to addressee in HUMANSDORP in "CC" (Cape Colony), opened and sealed by censor using horizontal black on pink V. Arms R. /Opened Under Martial Law label - tied by local postmark on back; backstamped DE 15 1900 arrival. Slit open at bottom, with 2 filing hole...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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1901 Boer War franked & censored mail ex POW at RAGAMA camp Ceylon to HUMANSDORP
Second Boer War (1899-1902) mail: 25 JULY 1901 plain envelope from RAGAMA prisoner of war camp in Ceylon to addressee in HUMANSDORP in Cape Colony "South Africa", franked 6c, opened and sealed by censor using vertical black on pink E. Arms R. /Opened Under Martial Law label tied by oval camp censor cachet, then frank tied by RAGAMA CAMP skeleton postmark, same day COLOMBO transit (postmark on fron...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $160.00
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American Judaica picture postcard of Beth Tefila Temple Cincinnati, railway mail
Jewish Synagogues: US > Ohio > Cincinnati - BETH TEFILA TEMPLE (Schachne Isaacs Synagogue/Shul) on color rendition of black and white photograph original (here without power-lines & street lamps) illustrated postcard by Cincinnati News Company with printed caption on front. Used: postmarked (unclear date) apparently via RMS (Railway Mail Service) to ELMWOOD Rhode Island & franked 1c; backstamped B...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Hungarian Judaica picture postcard of Pecs Neolog Reform Synagogue, used & taxed
Jewish Synagogues: Hungary > Pécs - NEOLOG (Reform) SYNAGOGUE in center of unattributed colorized photographic postcard with Hungarian caption on front. Used: postmarked 22 APR 1910 from PECS to SZARAZD but mailed unfranked and taxed 3h, tied by full strike of local postmark. The Synagogue was built in 1869 and survived the Holocaust....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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WWI 1917 local Polish post CIECHOCINEK-WARSAW mail w/local charge cachet & frank
WWI era local Polish post: 25-7-1917 postmarked touristic picture postcard of Alexandrowo (by George Stilke publishers of Berlin) with German message, from CIECHOCINEK to WARSAW; as of 1915 the Warsaw region of the former area of Congress Poland was occupied by Germany and the zone renamed "General Gouvernement Warschau" (General Governorate Warsaw): the occupying force did not provide any local d...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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WWI Military mailed/marked Judaica postcard Pozsony/Bratislava Neolog Synagogue
Jewish Synagogues: Hungary > Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia) - NEOLOG (Reform) SYNAGOGUE in foreground of city overview in colorized photographic postcard by DM (1915 edition), with Hungarian caption on front. Used as (undated) stampless military mail ("feldpost") written in German & sent to HILDESHEIM Germany, tied by bilingual Hungarian/German boxed field post cachet; pre-printed with 10 fils pri...
SOLD $70.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
1915 WWI unfranked British army cv, UK via Egyptian CUSTOMS w/earliest dated pmk
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 13 XII 1915 stampless "honour" envelope from ALEXANDRIA to ABERDEEN tied by ALEXANDRIA DOUANE (customs) postmark type AD1 - rare use on military mail - on earliest known date of use; backstamped same day ALEXANDRIA-E transit; slit open at top....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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1915 WWI unfranked British army cv, UK via Egyptian PO on 1st date serving army
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 6 V 1915 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from BACOS (Alexandria) to LONDON, tied by local postmark on earliest known date of use (Firebrace lists this post office as serving British Army as of 6 May) & backstamped 16 V 1915 ALEXANDRIA-B transit; front-stamped 26 MAY 1915 HAMMERSMITH W machine cancel & locally re-routed; very fine....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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1916 WWI Egypt franked civilian cv to British army via civilian TPO, w/EKD pmk
British WWI military mail in Egypt: 9 XI 1916 pre-paid Egyptian postal stationary cover from BILBES to 24th Stationary Hospital (MOASCAR), pre-franked by embossed 5m stamp on stationary & tied by 2 strikes of local postmark on earliest known date of use; backstamped by same day CAIRO TPO(?) receipt & next day CAIRO-S transit & CAIRO STATION delivery to APO SZ 10 (Cairo); slit open at top....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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2/1916 WWI unfranked British army cv to UK via Egyptian post, w/latest dated pmk
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 20 I 1916 stampless OAS civilian stationary cover from BULKELEY to BRISTOL, tied by single strike of local postmark on latest known date of use & signed by approving officer; backstamped same day ALEXANDRIA-X arrival; slit open at top, very fine....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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1915 WWI unfranked British army cv to Ireland via Egyptian PO, EKD pmk & cachet
"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 20 XI 1915 stampless OAS picture postcard of Cairo Citadel from Nasrieh Military Hospital CAIRO to SLIGO Ireland, tied by "Commandant NMH" (FB-NHC45) cachet & CAIRO-G postmark on earliest known date of use. Unusual period military mail as not addressed to UK....
SOLD $50.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
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Results 1 - 24 of 77