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*15 MAY* 1948 1st Day Israel sea mail to UK, Interim + Mandate postmarks/franks
**1st Day ISRAEL 15 MAY 1948 mail** OVERSEAS-bound cover with Mandate & interim markings (3 period cover): handwritten letter in German dated [Thursday] 13 May 1948, sent from Ahuza HAIFA to LONDON, on 25 mils pre-franked Mandate-era Air Letter stationary (the period rate for air mail to the UK) - here refranked 23 mils (2m underfranking) using interim stamps, probably because of the expected demo...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $2,200.00
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1948 American 1st day a/m to Israel affected by mail suspension, then dispatched
1948 early postal links / service (not) suspended mail: "First Day airmail to Israel" return paid post card (RPPC) from CHICAGO Palestine Postal History Society to postmaster PETACH TIKVA, pre-printed with 3c franking + additional 22c franking for overseas airmail, postmarked "Chicago-Airmail" 29 JUN 1948 (1st day of US-Israel mail) & erroniously stamped "Return to Mailing Office | Service Suspend...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $160.00
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21-5-1948 1st PEDI airmail to TEL AVIV: #28 w/ both cancellation types & cachets
1948 PEDI first flight mail - numbered 28: airmail stationary cover from BROOKLYN to TEL AVIV franked 25c regular airmail rate, postmarked MAY 21 1948 (1st day of PEDI service) using both Type I and II cancels, and bearing very low serial number, 28 (out of 1288 carried on 1st flight); with US "First Flight" & locally applied CSA cachets on front; this 1st flight arrived in Haifa 2 June; opened ro...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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21-5-1948 1st PEDI airmail with highest number #236 & BOTH cancellation types
1948 PEDI first flight mail - HIGHEST NUMBER with BOTH CANCELLATION TYPES: Zionist Organization of America airmail stationary cover from BROOKLYN to BNEI BRAK ("Palestine") franked 25c regular airmail rate, postmarked MAY 21 1948 (1st day of PEDI service) using both Type I and II cancels - as numbered 236 this is the highest recorded cover marked by both types (ref. IFPL p.93 says "211"); with US ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $360.00
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6/1948 PEDI non-registered airmail to TEL AVIV *WITH* Israeli arrival backstamp
1948 backstamped PEDI airmail: commercial cover from NYC to Walter Eitan at Foreign Ministry in Kirya TEL AVIV, machine franked 25c airmail rate on JUN 23 48 and tied by PEDI Type II cancel, cover numbered 19687 (corresponds to 23-24 June) - 15th shipment; backstamped 13-7-1948 HAKIRYA arrival - extremely rare on a PEDI cover as these not usually registered mails. Slit open at top. Eitan was a leg...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $450.00
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1948 1st Day airmail from Austria to Israel arrived 17 May via CSA Czech airline
Early foreign postal links with Israel: 27 IV 1948 registered airmail cover from VIENNA Austria to HAIFA, franked 4s (an additional frank may be missing) & tied by 2x strikes of the local postmark + censored by the Austrian authorities (marks on front); oddly, posted and accepted 2 days after the closure of LYDDA airport (and the suspension of incoming airmail) & 3 days after suspension of registe...
SOLD $800.00
2 bids
The auction closed on Thursday, 14 May 2020 20:01
May-Jul 1948 Polish sea mail to Palestine/Israel unaffected by postal suspension
Early Polish mail links (surface mail): 13-5-1948 registered cover from small locale of CZOSNOW to TEL AVIV "Palestine", franked 60zl & tied by 4 strikes of the local postmark; backstamped 2-07-1948 TEL AVIV head post office arrival. Posted the day before Israel's declaration of independence. Surface mail from Poland was suspended around 7 April, and resumed on 15 June; the transit time by sea was...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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17-5-1948 1st Israeli outbound sea mail on SS Marine Carp from HAIFA to CHICAGO
Early Israeli postal links / 1st outbound sea mail (SS Marine Carp): 16-5-1948 registered cover from HAIFA to CHICAGO, originally franked 35m per period surface mail rate on 16 May ("First Day" of Israeli post) using 2x 10m & 15m (Ba 3/4) Doar Ivri stamps tied by 2 strikes of Haifa Head Post Office postmark + Head Post Office registry-label; although addressee Stanley Shure (founder of Shure Radio...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $750.00
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1948 1st Day airmail from Bulgaria to Israel arrived 26 May on CSA Czech airline
Early postal links with Israel - first flight mail from Bulgaria: 20 V 1948 registered cover from SOFIA Bulgaria to TEL AVIV, franked 220 Leva & tied by 2x strikes of the local Sofia-Airmail postmark + Bulgarian airmail etiquette & registry handstamp; carried by the CSA Czech Airways flight which landed in HAIFA on 26 May (Sde Dov near Tel Aviv closed as of 15 May due to the Egyptian aerial bombar...
SOLD $600.00
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The auction closed on Thursday, 14 May 2020 20:01
9-06-1948 mail from 1st Air France flight from HAIFA via TEL AVIV to PARIS
Air France first flight: 9-6-1948 airmail stationary cover from TEL AVIV (return addressed "Palestine") to PARIS, franked 35m per FA-1 postage period airmail letter rate to France & tied by TEL AVIV Head Post Office postmark + special Tel Aviv-applied black bilingual Hebrew/French 1st flight 2-line text cachet (narrow text): probably carried on 1st flight from HAIFA on 11 June and not [2nd] "1st f...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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14-06-1948 early Israeli airmail from NETANYA to BUDAPEST, w/ Mandate postmarks
1948 early foreign postal links: 14 JU 1948 airmail cover from NATHANYA to BUDAPEST franked 40m period airmail rate to Europe using block 4x 10m Doar Ivri Ba3 and tied by reintroduced Mandate NATHANYA postmark (Proud D2/Dorf-2); arrived 18 VI 48 and reached address on the 19th. The cover was flown by Czechoslovak Airlines on 15 June, flying via Haifa (as Lydda was not operational until Sept. 1948)...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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16-6-1948 early Israeli airmail from TEL AVIV to ZURICH; tabbed rouletted franks
Early airmail links: 16-6-1948 airmail commercial cover on Israeli "Afo" stationary from TEL AVIV (return-addressed Bat Yam) to ZURICH franked 40m per FA-1 postage period rate to Switzerland, using 3 color fully tabbed perforation mix of Doar Ivri stamps 5x 3m & 2x 10m rouletted (Ba 1c/3c) + 5m 11x11 perforated tabbed single (Ba 2), tied by 5 full strikes of TEL AVIV Head Post Office trilingual po...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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16-6-1948 early Israeli airmail to America from TEL AVIV to NEW JERSEY
Early airmail to US: 16-6-1948 registered commercial airmail cover from TEL AVIV to hair business ELIZABETH New Jersey, franked 80m per FA-1 postage period rate (65m airmail to US + 15m registered fee) using 50m + 2x 15m & tied by 2 strikes of Head Post Office postmark on front + 1x on back (flap sealed with 20m frank tab) - here mailed 7 days after Israel's commencement of airmail to the US (9 Ju...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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21-6-1948 early Israeli airmail from RAMAT GAN to BUDAPEST, w/ Mandate postmark
1948 early foreign postal links: 21 JU 1948 airmail stationary commercial cover from RAMAT GAN to BUDAPEST franked 40m at period airmail rate to Europe using pair of 20m Doar Ivri and tied by reintroduced Mandate Ramat Gan postmark Dorf-4; arrived 26 VI 48 and reached address on the 28th. Probably transported by Czechoslovak Airlines which opened the Israel-Hungary postal route on the 9th of that ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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29-6-1948 rare use of interim JERUSALEM Egg postmarks on airmail to SAN DIEGO
1948 JERUSALEM Interim overseas mail: 29 JUNE 1948 airmail commercial cover (return addressed "Palestine") to SAN DIEGO, franked 65 mils per FA-1 postage period rate to US using 3x 20m + 1x 5m Doar Ivri stamps tied by 2x strikes of transition period provisional "Egg" postmark of the Head Post Office - this rare on overseas mail; opened gently at back, tear to flap & cover's top left corner missing...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $320.00
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June-July 1948 early Polish registered airmail to Israel via Air France
Early Polish air links: 23 VI 1948 registered air mail cover from WARSAW to TEL AVIV "Palestine", franked 105zl & tied by 4 strikes of the WARSAW-10 postmark; backstamped 1-07-1948 TEL AVIV 3 arrival. Airmail service from Poland was suspended around 25-27 April, and resumed around 9-11 June with the first mail from Israel to Poland being carried by Air France on the 11th. Here incoming mail on one...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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2-07-1948 early Israeli airmail to America, from TEL AVIV to NEW YORK
Early US-Israel airmail: 2 JUL 1948 airmail cover from New York to "Haaretz" newspaper TEL AVIV "Palestine" (replaced by "Israel" in manuscript), meter-franked 25c per period airmail letter rate (service for commercial papers, printed-matter & samples only available from 16 Aug.): commencement of US-Israel airmail began 26 June (officially announced on the 29th), so this early airmail. Slit open a...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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20-8-1948 very early Israeli postal censorship on incoming mail from US to HAIFA
Very early (incoming) postal censorship: 20-8-1948 airmail cover from NEW YORK (United States/America) to HAIFA "Palestine", franked 25c per period overseas letter rate; [torn] opened at back & sealed with Haifa censor's cream & blue Israeli "Army Censor" label 1005 and tied by "Chet-25" (Haifa) censor cachet (unusual design - fonts/spacing, different from the period types usually seen) + backstam...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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26-8-1948 very early Israeli postal censorship on outbound mail from HAIFA to UK
Very early (outbound) postal censorship: 26-8-1948 airmail cover on Hotel Zion stationary from HAIFA to NEWINGTON (UK), franked 40m per FA-1 postage period 25m rate to UK (15m convenience overfranking) using tabbed pair 20m (Ba 5) & tied by full strike of HAIFA-3 (Mount Carmel BO) postmark; opened & sealed with plain brown label by Haifa military "Chet 4" censor (cachet marks on front & back) - th...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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1948-1950 airmail cover ex TRIPOLITANIA to TEL AVIV; ovptd franks & marked AV2
Early Israeli postal links: 7-12 [unclear] airmail cover from TRIPOLITANIA to TEL AVIV, franked 30L using 3x BMA Tripolitania 10 MAL overprinted 5d stamps (Sa-7) & tied by 2 strikes of local date-bridge postmark, cover marked "A.V.2" (M-type-14) using local instructional marking handstamp - used on 'top of pile' cover of small batch of airmail, grouped together with other batches intended for diff...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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