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Pre 5th Zionist Congress original Herzl & Kokesch signatures on letter 1901
Zionist Congresses/Herzl & Kokesch signatures: original mimeograph of handwritten letter in German (20.4 x 27.7cm / 8.4 x 10.9in) on very thin “Type Writing Paper” watermarked stationary, written 5 weeks before the 5th Zionist Congress in Basel (26 Dec.) and in preparation for it, and dated "Vienna, 18 November 1901"; addressed to "My Esteemed Colleague" the letter refers to Dr. Yaak...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,350.00
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Herzl 6th Zionist Congress special Jewish gymnasts performance medal & ribbon
Germany/Switzerland: Sixth Zionist Congress 1903 & "Muscular Judaism": special medal with ribbon and pin, for the performance of Jewish athletes at the 6th congress issued by the German Zionist Union; size (medal only): 29.5mm, weight: 10.15g; no maker's mark. The obverse bears the German legend "Die Zionistische Vereinig f. Deutschland Zur Erinnerung A. D. Schauturnen auf dem Zionisten Congress Z...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $1,350.00
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Hebrew 'Tarbut Ivrit - Hungary' maker-marked artistic Judaica pin 1910s
Hungary: "Hebrew Culture - Hungary" enamel and metal pin, circa. 1910s; designed by Y. Sh.; size: 32.25 x 31.75mm; weight: 8.05g. Oval shaped badge in blue & white enamel, in avant garde style, with Hebrew words "Hebrew" & "Culture" on white [Ten Commandment] Tablet devices & silver rays emitting forth & "Hungaria" in exergue; designer's Hebrew initials at left. Little information exists, but "Tar...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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American Zionist movement used 1916 Shekel donation receipt signed w/handstamp
Zionist Congresses: Hebrew year 5676 (1916) quadrilingual English-Hebrew-German-Yiddish Zionist movement Shekel donation receipt, issued and used by the Federation of American Zionists, signed & stamped by the organization. With explanation on the back that an annual payment of 1 Shekel entitles the bearer of the receipt to participate in the election of delegates to the next Zionist Congress (in ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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WWI era picture postcard of Allied liberated Jerusalem with photo of Gen Allenby
WWI era postcard from Allied liberated Palestine, circa. 1917-1918: French-language photo postcard, uncredited, depicting General Edmund Allenby inset on background image of the Old City of Jerusalem & French caption "The Holy City taken from the Turks [Dec. 1917]. Jerusalem and view of the road to Jaffa. (In the medallion a portrait of General Allenby, commander of the British troops in Palestine...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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WWI-OETA British occupied Palestine military postal card souvenir
WWI/OETA Palestine era (Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) 1918-1920 military postal souvenir: unused picture postcard of "Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee", an artistic replica of a photograph, printed on uncredited bisected postal stationary titled "Post Card" and with sub-heading "Souvenir of the occupation of Palestine by the British troops"; the caption is in English and French, probably...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $70.00
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WWI First Circular of Temporary Committee of Jews in Occupied Palestine 1918
First Circular of the Temporary Committee of the Jews in the Occupied Territories, Rosh Chodesh [start of month] Iyar 5678 (12 April 1918); 8 pages; size: 17.1 x 22.95cm; printed by Sa'adia Shoshani, Jaffo: 8-page circular discusses key issues of interest to the Jewish community - language, judiciary & unionization - almost 30 years to the day (5 Iyar) before Israel's independence. The Tempora...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Palestine light blue on white metal Zionist pin with the Hebrew word Zion 1920s
Palestine: light blue on white metal Zionist pin with the Hebrew word "Zion" in center, circa. 1920s; not maker-marked; size: 22.5x25.5mm; weight: 2.4g....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Zeev Jabotinsky prison release portrait postcard from Zionist Zeev Braz 1921
Postcard portrait of Zeev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, from World War I, in his Lieutenant's uniform as a member of the Jewish Battalions: 4(?) Tishrei 5682 (6 Oct. 1921) dated handwritten message on back thanks the recipients for their well wishes and wishes them a good new Year (Rosh Hashana) and fruitful work - signed by Zeev Braz & family. Braz (1869-1933), born in Valkininkai Lithuania, was a membe...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Eretz Israeli 3rd Aliya era pin of Zionist heros Trumpeldor, Brenner & Gordon
Palestine/Yishuv: 3rd Aliya era commemorative pin of 3 key Zionist heros, Trumpeldor, Brenner & Gordon, c. 1922; iron body; not maker-marked; size: 24mm; weight: 1.9g. 3-piece construction with photo-montage. All 3 figures passed away between 1920-1922 & were legends in their time, their legacies indicated by the devices below their images: a shield (military - Joseph Trumpeldor), a book (literatu...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Eretz Israeli/Bezalel? Hebrew College University opening commemoration pin 1925
Pin from opening ceremony of "Hebrew College" (Hebrew University), 1925; not maker-marked (probably Bezalel); 2.75 x 7cm, 4.95g. Depicts original structure of college (corner stone laid 1918), with Hebrew dates of opening on top corners "7 Nisan | 5685" (1 April 1925) & 2-lined Hebrew legend below, "Opening of the Hebrew College in Jerusalem". Ceremony occurred 7 years after laying of cornerst...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $160.00
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Austrian Judaica 14th Zionist Congress delegate's pin, 1925 by M. Hammer
Austria: 14th Zionist Congress delegate's pin, 1925; bronze and enamel; by M. Hammer of Vienna; size: 28mm; weight: 6g. Round emblem with stylized Hebrew letters "Yud" and "Daled" whose numerical values are "14", with legend in Hebrew around edge, "The 14th Zionist Congress Vienna 5685"; pieces of the enamel are missing. On reverse the soldiered pin is broken off; manufacturer's mark is visible. T...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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Eretz Israeli 50th anniversary of Bilu movement & Kfar Bilu settlement pin 1932
Palestine: 50th anniversary of Bilu movement & establishment of Kfar Bilu settlement, colored bronze commemorative pin, 1932; not maker-marked; size: 28mm; weight: 2g. Avant garde image of 3 Zionist pioneers in agricultural setting, with shining sun & "Bilu" below; Hebrew dates ("5642 - 5692") in exergue. Bilu was small but together with "Chovevei Zion" from Romania, represented the first modern a...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $75.00
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Eretz Israeli/Palestinian 1932 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv commemorative pin
Palestine/Yishuv: 1932 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv commemorative pin; not maker-marked; size: 13.25 x 33.5mm; weight: 0.75g. The 1932 Fair was the fifth in a series of periodic exhibitions highlighting Jewish trade and industry in Palestine, beginning with 1923 exhibition of "Produce of the Land". The 1932 Fair was 1st to be called the "Levant Fair", & for it a symbol of a flying camel was used. T...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Eretz Israeli/Palestinian 1932 Tel Aviv Levant Fair miniature commemorative pin
Palestine/Yishuv: 1932 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv miniature commemorative pin; not maker-marked; size: 8 x 27mm; weight: 0.55g....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Eretz Israeli Chaim Arlozorov memorial plaquette - Meir Gur-Aryeh Bezalel School
Palestine/Yishuv: Chaim Arlozorov uniface memorial plaquette by Meir Gur-Aryeh (Bezalel School, Jerusalem), circa. 1933; size: 39.25 x 59.75mm; weight: 39.25g: left facing Arlozorov with the Hebrew title "BeDamekha Hayai" ['From your death I live on'] top left & Hebrew dates of birth / death bottom left; Arlozorov's signature is at the base, and the artist's initials (MG) below the bust. The p...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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Eretz Israeli Bezalel tourist memorabilia silver pin depicting Rachel's Tomb
Eretz Israel "Bezalel" memorabilia: ornate sterling silver rectangular pin designed by "Bezalel", depicting Rachel's Tomb (just outside Bethlehem). Reverse has long pin held by hinge and fastened in place by circular closure device; weight: 8.65g. Light wear but exhibits excellent detail; bears shine....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Eretz Israeli/Palestinian Judaica tallion for Tel Aviv's 25th anniversary, 1934
Israel/Palestine: tallion commemorating 25th anniversary of Tel Aviv's founding, (1934); tin; no maker-mark; size (tallion only): 20.5mm x 23.25mm; weight: 2.3g. Square sized uniface tallion depicting emblem of the city, with 4 lines of text in Hebrew: "25th Jubilee Tel Aviv" and the city's motto "I will build you and you shall be built" (quotation from the prophet Yirmiyahu). The emblem depicted ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Palestine/Yishuv stick-pin momento souvenir of 1934 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv
Palestine/Yishuv: commemorative stick-pin of the 1934 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv; not maker-marked; size: 21.5 x 35mm; weight: 0.95g. The pin bears the Levant Fairs' emblem of the flying camel and that of the municipality of Tel Aviv, with similar legend in English, Hebrew and Arabic "Levant Fair Tel Aviv"; in Hebrew the additional legend reads "Yerid HaMizrach" ('Eastern Fair') as these events were ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Eretz Israeli/Palestinian 1936 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv commemorative pin
Palestine/Yishuv: commemorative pin of the 1936 Levant Fair in Tel Aviv; not maker-marked: size: 14 x 26.5mm; weight: 0.75g. The rectangular pin bears the same legend in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The Fair opened two weeks after the start of the Arab Revolt (1936-39), and so was a smaller event than its 1934 predecessor: 16 countries hosted pavilions and about 320,000 visitors attended. At this f...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Eretz Israeli Judaica pin for inauguration of the Tel Aviv sea port 1936/38
Palestine/Yishuv: commemorative pin of the inauguration of the Tel Aviv sea port, 1936/38; not maker-marked; size: 23 x 25.5mm; weight: 0.8g. Obverse depicts image of Biblical seaman on boat with legend in Hebrew at right "Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of the sea" (Genesis 49 v13) and at left "Port of Tel Aviv". The construction of the port, against the backdrop of the Arab Revolt and the strik...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Eretz Israeli/Arab Revolt Keren Totzeret HaYishuv Produce of the Yishuv Fund pin
Palestine: "Keren Totzeret HaYishuv" (Produce of the Yishuv Fund) pin, circa. 1936-38; not maker-marked; size 20.5x44.5mm weight: 1.7g. A fund established to raise funds to support local Jewish businesses during the Arab Revolt....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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Eretz Israeli/Arab Revolt Totzeret Ha'aretz (Produce of the Land) pin c. 1938-39
Palestine: "Totzeret Ha'aretz" (Produce of the Land) pin c. 1938-39; not maker-marked; size: 9x26mm; weight: 0.4g. Part of the Jewish Community's drive to encourage purchase of locally-made Jewish produce during the time of the Arab Revolt....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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Eretz Israeli/Arab Revolt Northern Fence/Tegart's Wall completion pin, July 1938
Palestine: "Northern Fence"/"Tegart's Wall" completion pin, 1938; not maker-marked size: 17.5x29mm; weight: 1.05g. The fence of barbed wire & reinforced positions was built to supress terror during the Arab Revolt, by order of Charles Tegart, security adviser to the Palestine Government, and contracted to the Jewish Solel Boneh Co. by Alec Kirkbride, district governor of the Galillee. The Jewish c...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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