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*15 MAY* 1948 true 1st Day Israel mail with INTERIM postmarks

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**1st Day ISRAEL 15 MAY 1948** registered cover with *INTERIM* markings: local HAIFA registered cover from the AHUZAT SAMUEL town postal agency to MOUNT CARMEL, franked 25m per period registered letter rate using interim 5m Negev & 2x 10m brown Diaspora I (Ba 34/#44-45), all with violet TEL AVIV overprints & tied by 2 strikes of "reintroduced" Mandate AHUZAT SAMUEL HAIFA postmark (GD-117; no interim canceller was used here, only the Mandate device) dated 15 MY 48 - here Saturday night/Jewish start of Sunday (after Shabbat) - this very rare: only 2 more post offices are definitely known to have operated on the 15th - PARDESS HANNA and SAFED.
Here, the cover was prepared for registered service but this service was not available at the Ahuzat Samuel post office, confirmed by Fluri p.44, who writes "It had no registry labels. This little agency... kept irregular hours due to the patriotism of its manager and her desire to help people.", so transmitted as regular mail (eg. not requiring a signature or offering tracking). As marked 1x on front + 2x on back by the INTERIM dateless postmark, as customary on a registered letter, the cover reached its destination at the Mount Carmel post office (which posessed an interim cancel device) either late on the 15th or early on the 16th - this is the KEY issue: those interim postmarks managed to be applied in the brief time between night-time Saturday the 15th and morning Sunday the 16th, just prior to the introduction of the new Israeli trilingual (which the Mount Carmel post office received that day), so very rare use of interim cancel after Independence day (14 May) & technically used against the regulations, as the 10-5-1948 dated Circular #3 reads "...the Minhelet Haam handstamps should be withdrawn upon termination of work on Friday 14th May 1948".
Whether MOUNT CARMEL was open on the 15th or not, of the post offices known to have operated on the 15th (see above) this is the only documented instance of the interim device used on mail after 14 May & probably only at this post office (Ahuzat Samuel only had a Mandate cancel device and continued to use it until 31 July; at Pardess Hanna the old Mandate cancel device was reintroduced until 30 June - and this is observed on 15 May postmarked mail; and at Safed the existing locally made date-bridge interim device continued to be used until 19 May). Rare combination on cover + "first day" / 3 period cover. Unsealed. POSTAL HISTORY GEM & Discovery Piece. For a related item see lot #81142 of this sale.

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**1st Day ISRAEL 15 MAY 1948** registered cover with *INTERIM* markings: local HAIFA registered cover from the AHUZAT SAMUEL town postal agency to MOUNT CARMEL, franked 25m per period registered letter rate using interim 5m Negev & 2x 10m brown Diaspora I (Ba 34/#44-45), all with violet TEL AVIV overprints & tied by 2 strikes of "reintroduced" Mandate AHUZAT SAMUEL HAIFA postmark (GD-117; no interim canceller was used here, only the Mandate device) dated 15 MY 48 - here Saturday night/Jewish start of Sunday (after Shabbat) - this very rare: only 2 more post offices are definitely known to have operated on the 15th - PARDESS HANNA and SAFED.
Here, the cover was prepared for registered service but this service was not available at the Ahuzat Samuel post office, confirmed by Fluri p.44, who writes "It had no registry labels. This little agency... kept irregular hours due to the patriotism of its manager and her desire to help people.", so transmitted as regular mail (eg. not requiring a signature or offering tracking). As marked 1x on front + 2x on back by the INTERIM dateless postmark, as customary on a registered letter, the cover reached its destination at the Mount Carmel post office (which posessed an interim cancel device) either late on the 15th or early on the 16th - this is the KEY issue: those interim postmarks managed to be applied in the brief time between night-time Saturday the 15th and morning Sunday the 16th, just prior to the introduction of the new Israeli trilingual (which the Mount Carmel post office received that day), so very rare use of interim cancel after Independence day (14 May) & technically used against the regulations, as the 10-5-1948 dated Circular #3 reads "...the Minhelet Haam handstamps should be withdrawn upon termination of work on Friday 14th May 1948".
Whether MOUNT CARMEL was open on the 15th or not, of the post offices known to have operated on the 15th (see above) this is the only documented instance of the interim device used on mail after 14 May & probably only at this post office (Ahuzat Samuel only had a Mandate cancel device and continued to use it until 31 July; at Pardess Hanna the old Mandate cancel device was reintroduced until 30 June - and this is observed on 15 May postmarked mail; and at Safed the existing locally made date-bridge interim device continued to be used until 19 May). Rare combination on cover + "first day" / 3 period cover. Unsealed. POSTAL HISTORY GEM & Discovery Piece. For a related item see lot #81142 of this sale.