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1916 WWI Egypt stampless British army cv ex APO SZ 19 MERSA MATRUH to ALEXANDRIA

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British WWI military mail in Egypt: 12 AP 1916 stampless civilian stationary OAS cover from APO SZ 19 (MERSA MATRUH) to Anglo Palestine Bank ALEXANDRIA, tied by Proud-D1 on 2nd day of use; with officer's endorsement & passed censor; backstamped 15(?)-4 ALEXANDRIA arrival; slit open at top, small piece missing of top back-flap.

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British WWI military mail in Egypt: 12 AP 1916 stampless civilian stationary OAS cover from APO SZ 19 (MERSA MATRUH) to Anglo Palestine Bank ALEXANDRIA, tied by Proud-D1 on 2nd day of use; with officer's endorsement & passed censor; backstamped 15(?)-4 ALEXANDRIA arrival; slit open at top, small piece missing of top back-flap.