1962 Tel Aviv top of the pile taxed-returned mail for 81 letters using 25 franks
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1962 'top of the pile' taxed franking: 20 XI 1962 printed matter commercial cover from Haredi financial business TEL AVIV franked by meter payment at the DO-11 period 8 Ag printed-matter rate but returned to sender as address unclear (manuscript on back "missing letters", obscured cachet on front "unknown address | return"); as envelope is printed at right "return payment guaranteed", this letter and all others to same addressee returned together with total tax calculated and applied to one of the covers placed at the top of the pile - here, charged 648 Agorot, the 8 Ag return fee (same as the sending fee) for 81 letters and paid for with 25 franks in 4 colors: 4x 0.50L, 17x 0.25L, single 0.20L & 3x 0.01L 1961 Zodiac Ba204/212/213/215, tied by multiple 9-12-62 TEL AVIV-29 postmarks. Stunning cover; estimated value $425+