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1974 Israeli airmail to US; return mis-routed via Lebanon; rare no-service marks

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Lebanese postal boycott of Israel: 14-2-1974 airmail commercial cover on Israeli Atomic Energy Agency stationary from YAVNE to Bell Laboratories MURRAY HILL (US), meter franked 1.10L per FA-23 postage period rate using the Agency's slogan machine cancel; front-stamped FEB 25 NEW PROVIDENCE arrival, but as unclaimed, returned - here misrouted & sent via LEBANON, backstamped 28-5-74 BEIRUT arrival, where marked twice by rare "Pas de Service" bilingual K-Type-IV-A instructional marking handstamp (less than 30 covers known such stamped) on front & returned to US, where returned to Israel. This is the only known example of Lebanon "no service" markings on Israeli-originated mail + 1 of less than 5 examples known of mail between 2 countries having postal relations being routed via country without such relations with one of them. Slit open at left.

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Lebanese postal boycott of Israel: 14-2-1974 airmail commercial cover on Israeli Atomic Energy Agency stationary from YAVNE to Bell Laboratories MURRAY HILL (US), meter franked 1.10L per FA-23 postage period rate using the Agency's slogan machine cancel; front-stamped FEB 25 NEW PROVIDENCE arrival, but as unclaimed, returned - here misrouted & sent via LEBANON, backstamped 28-5-74 BEIRUT arrival, where marked twice by rare "Pas de Service" bilingual K-Type-IV-A instructional marking handstamp (less than 30 covers known such stamped) on front & returned to US, where returned to Israel. This is the only known example of Lebanon "no service" markings on Israeli-originated mail + 1 of less than 5 examples known of mail between 2 countries having postal relations being routed via country without such relations with one of them. Slit open at left.