1975 Bulgarian postkrieg marks on Israeli cv w/Let My People Go stp; odd routing
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1975 Bulgarian Postkrieg mail + circuituitous routing: 13-4-1975 registered airmail stationary cover from HERZLIYA (return addressed BERLIN) to SOFIA (Bulgaria), franked 2.30 Lira per the FA-24 period letter rate to Europe (1.10L letter + 1.20L registration) & tied by 2 strikes of the HERZLIYA-13 postmark on front + 1 on back, using mix of 0.05L 1972 Landscapes definitive stamp (Ba 541) + 1.70L 1975 Hapoel Games stamp (Ba 614) + 0.55L 1972 "Let My People Go" stamp (Ba 522; 3 years after last date of sale) - this last frank being objected to by much of the Communist Bloc as early as April 1972 (reference JTA 24-04-1972); here sanctioned by being obscured by a glued "Spravka" postal label (now partly removed but glue traces visible) & tied by heavy black RETOUR | INCONNU (Return/Unknown address) French-language instructional marking handstamp + address crossed off (probably the long gray pencil mark prior to the label) and backstamped 22-4-1975 SOFIA transit.
It appears that the Bulgarian post simply returned the cover to Israel without checking the specific return address whereupon it was received in HERZLIYA-7(?) on 18-5-1975 (1 month return-transit) and initially marked for the DLO (Dead Letter Office / Teyvat Doar Ganuz) using manuscript markings on the front x1 and back (x2) + 3x strikes of the Hebrew "Return to" arrow instructional marking pointing to the initials; a subsequent review that the return address "DBR" indicated West Germany caused the local post office to rescind the original instruction, whereupon the DLO references where obliterated and red arrows added pointing to "DBR"; the cover was apparently re-directed to Germany (possibly referenced by the HERZLIYA-4 30-6-1975 backstamp) whereupon the original address was locally updated to the tiny locale of BARDENFLETH (Lower Saxony). Intriguing & well-travelled cover; slit open at top.