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Egyptian mint 1866 10pia slate stamp, upright watermark & 13:12½ perforation

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Egypt 1st issue, 1866: 10pia slate with watermark upright & 13:12½ perf (SG 7c/w); missing perforations at top left appear to be from misaligned perforator (perfs more pronounced from right and peter out leftwards); unused & hinged, no gum. Est. value £500+.

Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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Egypt 1st issue, 1866: 10pia slate with watermark upright & 13:12½ perf (SG 7c/w); missing perforations at top left appear to be from misaligned perforator (perfs more pronounced from right and peter out leftwards); unused & hinged, no gum. Est. value £500+.