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WWII era 1944 military mail to Palestine w/British & Jewish National Fund stamps

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JNF label on WWII British military mail: 3 July 1944 On Active Service endorsed registered cover on illustrated propaganda stationary, bearing message in German, from Field Post Office FPO 518 (BENGHAZI Libya - 9th Lines of Communication Postal Unit) to female civilian in TEL AVIV; franked 3d per the period military rate for registered letters, using British franks + undenominated General Frederick Kisch blue Jewish National Fund label (Kap #553) - the franks being tied by a single strike of the FPO postmark & 2x on back; the cover was censored and endorsed locally then later by the Deupty Chief Field Censor in CAIRO (backstamped 5 July BAPO 4 transit) & arrived 7 July (backstamped TEL AVIV REGISTERED); cut open at right. Unusual & nicely documented.

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JNF label on WWII British military mail: 3 July 1944 On Active Service endorsed registered cover on illustrated propaganda stationary, bearing message in German, from Field Post Office FPO 518 (BENGHAZI Libya - 9th Lines of Communication Postal Unit) to female civilian in TEL AVIV; franked 3d per the period military rate for registered letters, using British franks + undenominated General Frederick Kisch blue Jewish National Fund label (Kap #553) - the franks being tied by a single strike of the FPO postmark & 2x on back; the cover was censored and endorsed locally then later by the Deupty Chief Field Censor in CAIRO (backstamped 5 July BAPO 4 transit) & arrived 7 July (backstamped TEL AVIV REGISTERED); cut open at right. Unusual & nicely documented.