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WWII/Holocaust 1944 Hungarian Jewish forced labor battalion postcard +JEW cachet

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Hungarian WWII/Holocaust-era Jewish forced labour mail: 20 AUG 1944 stampless labor camp postal card ("tábori postai levelezőlap") sent by member of the 177th Jewish labor company to MEZOTUR in east Hungary & tied by the unit's 2-lined boxed cachet "ZSIDO M. SZD | H. 177" & handwritten censor reference ("Ellenorizve"). Rare postal marking for the labor units, here specifically mentioning "Jews" + unusual postal link: as of March 1944 all the Jews of MEZOTUR were assembled at the local brickyard, which served as a concentration camp.

Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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Hungarian WWII/Holocaust-era Jewish forced labour mail: 20 AUG 1944 stampless labor camp postal card ("tábori postai levelezőlap") sent by member of the 177th Jewish labor company to MEZOTUR in east Hungary & tied by the unit's 2-lined boxed cachet "ZSIDO M. SZD | H. 177" & handwritten censor reference ("Ellenorizve"). Rare postal marking for the labor units, here specifically mentioning "Jews" + unusual postal link: as of March 1944 all the Jews of MEZOTUR were assembled at the local brickyard, which served as a concentration camp.