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Palestine Mandate receipt stamped rare Haifa Licensing Authority postmark 1944
Mandate Haifa postmarks: full strike of 19 FE 1944 rare single-circle "LICENSING AUTHORITY" radio-telephone postmark GD-72 tied to section of receipt for driving test. Estimated value $100+...
SOLD $99.00
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The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01


Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known Antiquities Department cachet on cv 1933
Mandate postal markings: 3(?) FE 1933 stampless local OHMS stationary cover from Dept of Antiquities JERUSALEM to Orthodox Patriarchate, tied by violet oval GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | DEPARTMENT of ANTIQUITIES | JERUSALEM cachet (53x34mm, as Sach-4a but 12 years before his earliest known date of use) on front; slit open at top, left back-flap tip missing....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1947
Mandate postal markings: 5 DEC 1947 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet boxed DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (52x27mm) on front/back (with endorsement on front) - as Sach-9a but with larger title & dotted "No." line & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have been in short us...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Broadcasting Dept cachet on mail 1948
Mandate postal markings: 15 JA 1948 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS stationary cover from Department of Broadcasting to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted violet oval DEPARTMENT OF BROADCASTING | JERUSALEM cachet (51.5x32mm) with endorsement (front & back) & strike of local postmark; locally rerouted; unsealed. May have replaced boxed cachet Sach-9a, used in 1947....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known District Commissioner cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 20 JA 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM property tax ordinance from District Commissioner to civilian, sealed by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label & tied by dated red oval DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES | JERUSALEM District cachet (Sach-30a - 18 months before his earliest known date of use; this color not recorded) & strike of local DC postmark....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Education Department cachet on mail 1932
Mandate postal markings: 14 AU 1932 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Education to school headmaster, tied by Sacher unlisted dated violet oval DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION | GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE cachet + "Certified official" instructional marking & strike of local postmark; sealed at back by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label; opened at right, top left back-flap tip missi...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Government House cachet on mail 1923
Mandate postal markings: 31 JA 1923(?) stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen, tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM | SECRETARIAT certified official cachet & strike of local postmark; slit open at left. Posting date unclear as postmark could be "22" or "23", while cachet is dated "25"....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Govt House cachet on Hugo Bergman cv 1925
Mandate postal markings: 29 JU 1925 stampless local JERUSALEM governmental stationary cover from Government House to citizen (c/o Hugo Bergman), tied by Sacher unlisted endorsed & [post]dated violet boxed GOVERNMENT HOUSE | JERUSALEM cachet & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival (Sach-J5); slit open at top. Born in Prague, Bergman was good friends with Franz Kafka & M...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Chief Secretary's Office cachet on cv 1934
Mandate postal markings: 23 MY 1934 stampless governmental stationary cover from Chief Secretary's Office JERUSALEM to REHOVOT, tied by Sacher unlisted dated boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | Chef Secretary's Office | JERUSALEM certified official cachet (similar to Sach-14c but larger & different font, here 58x27mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day arrival (Dorf-5); opened roughly at...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Govt unlisted Assistant Food Controller cachet on cv 1931
Mandate postal markings: 17 FE 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed call form (#62) from Assistant Food Controller to civilian, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by Sacher unlisted variant of Sach-36d dated boxed ASSISTANT FOOD CONTROLLER | JERUSALEM DISTRICT cachet & "certified official" instructional marking hand-stamp, here with serifed letters and narrower size (52x27mm) & strike of loc...
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest known Rationing Office cachet on mail 1943
Mandate postal markings: 15 AP 1943 stampless local JERUSALEM mimeographed form (resealed) from Fuel Oil Rationing Office to local business, sealed by OHMS Gen.5 label & tied by endorsed boxed GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE | FUEL OIL | RATIONING OFFICE | JERUSALEM cachet (Sach-40a - more than 3 years before his earliest known date of use) on front/back + strike of local postmark; 1 or 2 filing holes....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government earliest date Health Department cachet on mail 1934
Mandate postal markings: 9 NO 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS "Report on Mosquito Breeding" postcard from Department of Health to civilian, tied by dated DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH | SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER oval cachet (Sach-45f - here 8 years before his date of use) without "certified official" handstamp; tied by strike of local postmark....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1931
Mandate postal markings: 23 AP 1931 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Immigration & Travel Section to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted dated GOVERNMENT of PALESTINE | Immigration and Travel Section boxed cachet (49x18.5mm) & strike of local postmark; filing hole. opened roughly at back, complete....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
Palestine Mandate Government unlisted Immigration/Travel cachet on mail 1924
Mandate postal markings: 28 OC 1924 stampless local JERUSALEM OHMS cover from Department of Immigration & Travel to civilian, tied by Sacher unlisted DEPARTMENT OF | IMMIGRATION AND TRAVEL | certified official boxed cachet (54.5x28mm) & strike of local postmark; backstamped next day MEA SHEARIM arrival; slit open at top....
SOLD $99.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01


Unusual Palestine Mandate Telegraphs Haifa pmk applied to postal employee fine
Mandate Haifa postmarks: ten strikes of 11 DE 1920 rare right-set single-circle "TELEGR PHS HAIFA" skeleton postmark GD-78/Sach-H9 tied to 7-12-1920 postal employee fine (for errors in transmitting telegram) signed by postmaster and franked by 20x 5m Jerusalem I setting I Ba29 (perforation 14). Unusual use of franks & postmarks....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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8/1925 1st day use of HAIFA machine cancel GD-87 on back of incoming German mail
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 12 AUG 1925 1st day use of machine cancel GD-87/Sach-F1 on back of incoming cover from STUTTGART to German Colony of Haifa; backstamped same day arrival using scarce CARMEL AVENUE B.O. postmark GD-95; cut open at left. Very fine....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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1/1929 undocumented Haifa MOUNT CARMEL postmark on mail to UK - discovery piece
Mandate Haifa postmarks/Discovery Item: 4 JA 1929 commercial cover to SWANSEA franked 7m per period surface rate to UK using Pictorals Ba95 tied by single strike of rare MOUNT CARMEL postmark - similar to GD-104/Sach-J27 but larger & predates their earliest date (3 MR 29); as Proud D1 - here used per his earliest date (first date). The Mount Carmel postal agency opened 3 Dec. 1928; it is possible ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $180.00
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Palestine Mandate official mail ex Haifa to Acco Prison re-routed to Majdal 1930
Mandate Haifa postmarks / Saturday mail: 10 AP 1930 stampless "certified official" cover on OHMS stationary from "Station Office 'B' Division Haifa" (cachet on front) to Arab prisoner at Acre Prison, tied by HAIFA BAZAAR.B.O. postmark GD-108 on 1st day of use and backstamped same day HAIFA transit; dispatched unusually on Saturday 12/04 (this possible per postal regulations at post offices & posta...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $45.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa mail using Ahuzat Samuel postmark on 1st day of use 1938
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 24 JY 1938 local commercial cover franked 5m per period letter rate using Pictorals Ba93 tied by scarce double-ringed AHUZAT SAMUEL HAIFA postmark GD-115/Sach-J3 on 1st day of use; torn open at back but complete.....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $110.00
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12/1938 HAIFA REGISTERED postmark on 35m registered envelope from HAIFA to PARIS
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 9 DE 1938 insured small 1937 Registered Envelope (Ba RE.12-S) from HAIFA to PARIS franked 35m at period rate (13m registered + 15m surface rate to France + 7m for 12lb insurance) using pre-printed frank & vertical ribbed 7m + 15m pictorials, tied by 2 strikes of double ringed "Haifa Registered" postmark (with reversed "D"; D7/R22/GD58; one backstamped) + registry-label, in...
SOLD $80.00
1 bid
The auction closed on Monday, 11 May 2020 19:01
12/1942 BAT GALIM skeleton postmark GD-121 on registered mail to army in Egypt
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 18 DE 1942 registered cover from BAT GALIM to solder of Middle East Force in Egypt, franked 25m per period rate (10m letter + 15m registered fee) using Pictorals Ba93/99 tied by 2 strikes of rare BAT GALIM skeleton postmark GD-121 (& 2 on back); backstamped same day REG HAIFA & next day FPO 550 (9th Army Palestine); 23 DE 42 in transit at EGYPT-37 (assigned at this time to...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $55.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa cv w/rare Licensing Authority pmk on last day use
Mandate Haifa postmarks: 23 OC 1946 front of stampless "certified official" registered cover from HAIFA to ACRE tied by rare SC "LICENSING AUTHORITY" radio-telephone postmark GD-72 here on last known date of use - this usually used on license forms but also as letter canceller; frayed edges. Estimated value $150+...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Palestine Mandate Haifa mail w/ unrecorded machine cancel w/ 2 DIFFERENT DATES
Mandate Haifa postmarks: machine cancel GD-88/Sach-F5 with different dated date-heads 2 DEC 47 and 2 JAN 48 tied to local commercial printed-matter cover franked 3m per period rate; unsealed per printed-matter regulations. Rare error unrecorded in GD and Sacher....
Post-Auction Direct Sale $280.00
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4/1919 rare E in circle censor handstamp on registered mail, JERUSALEM to PARIS
Rare censor-mark cover on Jerusalem mail: 9 AP 1919 registered commercial cover from JERUSALEM to PARIS, probably franked 2Pia per period rate (cut out from front) & marked by mute registry-label, tied by 2 strikes of double-ringed OETA-EEF JERUSALEM postmark (Sach-A6) on front + 1 on back; as of Feb. 1919 censorship in Palestine ended: as surface mail with transit via CAIRO, cover marked by rare ...
Post-Auction Direct Sale $135.00
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