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2-06-1948 TLV printed matter cv w/mixed perforation franking + Mandate postmark

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

سعر اساس$0.00
سعر المبيعات $0.00

Doar Ivri PO's, rates & routes: 2 JU 48 local TEL AVIV registered printed matter cover franked 18m at period rate (3m printed matter rate + 15m registration fee) using 3 color mixed perforation Doar Ivri franking: 3m (10:11) Ba1d, 5m Ba2 & 10m rouletted Ba3c franks tied by 2 strikes of reintroduced Mandate TEL NORDAU-TEL AVIV postmark Groten-I20 (+ backstamp), with Mandate TEL AVIV-5 R-label & National Loan cachet applied by the TEL AVIV sorting office to domestic registered mail, on front; unsealed per printed matter regulations. Scarce combination of mixed franks & Mandate pmk, very fine.

اغلق المزاد على نسبة الجمعة، 31 تموز/يوليو 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
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Doar Ivri PO's, rates & routes: 2 JU 48 local TEL AVIV registered printed matter cover franked 18m at period rate (3m printed matter rate + 15m registration fee) using 3 color mixed perforation Doar Ivri franking: 3m (10:11) Ba1d, 5m Ba2 & 10m rouletted Ba3c franks tied by 2 strikes of reintroduced Mandate TEL NORDAU-TEL AVIV postmark Groten-I20 (+ backstamp), with Mandate TEL AVIV-5 R-label & National Loan cachet applied by the TEL AVIV sorting office to domestic registered mail, on front; unsealed per printed matter regulations. Scarce combination of mixed franks & Mandate pmk, very fine.