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2/1916 WWI unfranked British army cv to UK via Egyptian PO, w/hospital cachet

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

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"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 27 II 1916 stampless (OAS) stationary cover from Government Hospital ALEXANDRIA to CROYDON, sent by Egyptian civilian post & tied by ALEXANDRIA-J postmark type A4; cover marked "On Active Servce" by instructional marking handstamp & tied by signed Hospital cachet FB-NHC2. Slit open at top.

اغلق المزاد على نسبة الجمعة، 31 تموز/يوليو 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
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"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: 27 II 1916 stampless (OAS) stationary cover from Government Hospital ALEXANDRIA to CROYDON, sent by Egyptian civilian post & tied by ALEXANDRIA-J postmark type A4; cover marked "On Active Servce" by instructional marking handstamp & tied by signed Hospital cachet FB-NHC2. Slit open at top.