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28-12-1948 local Tel Aviv registered mail with rare Doar Ivri plate block franks

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

سعر اساس$0.00
سعر المبيعات $0.00

Doar Ivri PO's, rates & routes: 28-12-1948 local TEL AVIV registered cover franked 40pr at the DO-2 postage period rate (15pr letter + 25pr registration) using pair 20pr with control number (29203) on right margin (1st plate - Ba126.1, plate block catalogues at $1500) tied by 2x full strikes of 10th Macabbi Congress machine slogan cancellation (Nacht #3, on 3rd day of use; in used only between 26-31 Dec.) on front + 1x on back, and marked by Mandate registry-label Sacher-R14A; the Mandatory PT512 'Certificate of Posting' slip is attached to the front and handstamped in Hebrew "State of Israel - Temporary Form", with same day TEL AVIV-21 postmark. Slit open at top, very fine.

البيع المباشر في المزاد العلني $280.00
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0 2451
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Doar Ivri PO's, rates & routes: 28-12-1948 local TEL AVIV registered cover franked 40pr at the DO-2 postage period rate (15pr letter + 25pr registration) using pair 20pr with control number (29203) on right margin (1st plate - Ba126.1, plate block catalogues at $1500) tied by 2x full strikes of 10th Macabbi Congress machine slogan cancellation (Nacht #3, on 3rd day of use; in used only between 26-31 Dec.) on front + 1x on back, and marked by Mandate registry-label Sacher-R14A; the Mandatory PT512 'Certificate of Posting' slip is attached to the front and handstamped in Hebrew "State of Israel - Temporary Form", with same day TEL AVIV-21 postmark. Slit open at top, very fine.