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JNF/Jewish National Fund 10x cinderella stamp booklet covers, all good condition

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

سعر اساس$0.00
سعر المبيعات $0.00

JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: lot of 10x stamp booklet covers, including Berl Katzenelson, Nachum Sokolov, Meir Dizengoff (in light blue), Yoshua Hankin (in blue and in orange), Johann Kremenetzky, Chaim Bialik, Arthur Ruppin & 2x more others. Edge imperfections visible in the images are due to photo editing of the background; the covers are all in good, preserved condition.

اغلق المزاد على نسبة الجمعة، 31 تموز/يوليو 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
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JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: lot of 10x stamp booklet covers, including Berl Katzenelson, Nachum Sokolov, Meir Dizengoff (in light blue), Yoshua Hankin (in blue and in orange), Johann Kremenetzky, Chaim Bialik, Arthur Ruppin & 2x more others. Edge imperfections visible in the images are due to photo editing of the background; the covers are all in good, preserved condition.