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JNF/Jewish National Fund/KKL 1918 Soviet Israel week green ploughman stamp Su52

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

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JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: Russia/Soviet Union Head Office issue, 1918 Land of Israel Week 50 kopek(?) left marginal denominated stamp (with Hebrew text & date) of the "Ploughman" theme of the "Nun" series, in green, vertically shifted slightly up & with somewhat rough perforations (left is imperforate); appears unused: woven paper backing surface may have light layer of gum; vertical crease-line visible on right on back but not visible on front (Roch Su52; unlisted in Kaplove).

سعر المزاد الافتتاحي: $50.00
اغلق المزاد على نسبة الإثنين، 11 أيار 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
0 1859
تتبع البند؟
JNF/Jewish National Fund (KKL) stamps & labels: Russia/Soviet Union Head Office issue, 1918 Land of Israel Week 50 kopek(?) left marginal denominated stamp (with Hebrew text & date) of the "Ploughman" theme of the "Nun" series, in green, vertically shifted slightly up & with somewhat rough perforations (left is imperforate); appears unused: woven paper backing surface may have light layer of gum; vertical crease-line visible on right on back but not visible on front (Roch Su52; unlisted in Kaplove).