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Palestine Mandate Govt earliest known District Commissioner cachet on cv 1934

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المنتج متوفر : المنتج في المخزون

سعر اساس$0.00
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Mandate postal markings: 20 JA 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM property tax ordinance from District Commissioner to civilian, sealed by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label & tied by dated red oval DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES | JERUSALEM District cachet (Sach-30a - 18 months before his earliest known date of use; this color not recorded) & strike of local DC postmark.

سعر المزاد الافتتاحي: $99.00
اغلق المزاد على نسبة الإثنين، 11 أيار 2020 19:01 يرجى تتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت الفائز
0 2827
تتبع البند؟
Mandate postal markings: 20 JA 1934 stampless local JERUSALEM property tax ordinance from District Commissioner to civilian, sealed by OHMS Palestine Government Economy label & tied by dated red oval DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES | JERUSALEM District cachet (Sach-30a - 18 months before his earliest known date of use; this color not recorded) & strike of local DC postmark.