Post-Auction Direct Sale $675.00
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1 1897


Mixed franking with double overprint: 18 MR 1928 registered cover from TIBERIAS to HAIFA, franked 18m per period rate using 1m London II (plate B) with double overprint (Ba 71c) & 4m (Ba 74) + 13m Pictoral (Ba 98) & tied by 3 strikes of local postmark Dorf-3; backstamped same day REG HAIFA arrival (GD-55); wax sealed at back, slit open at top (top left flap tip missing). Extremely rare franking & combination: Bale catalogue value for 71c on cover = $2500 alone + value of mixed franking. London II Plate B stamps were last issued April 1927 & 13m Pictorals entered use 1 July. Very fine, from Sorani collection - signed by him & Tsachor.


CR082, HL031, SC27, HL109