Post-Auction Direct Sale $225.00
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Highest registered interim/3 period cover from Haifa Head Post Office: dateless registered cover on trilingual business stationary from HAIFA head Post Office to "Cafe Noam" TIBERIAS, franked 25m per postage period rate using interim 2x 10m Immigrant Ship (note print variations) & 5m Weizmann (Ba 11/23, all with TEL AVIV overprints) & tied by 2 strikes of interim dateless cancel of Head Post Office (with "split ovals" on sides) + 1 on back - this in use only 10-14 May; tied by un-numbered registry-label as used at HPO, here highest recorded interim period number (0885 of 0010-0885 used), as such posted 14 MAY (Independence Day); backstamped 18 MY 48 arrival using reintroduced Mandate single-circle postmark - 3 period cover with Mandate & interim postal markings; slit open at bottom.