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1948 early postal links / service (not) suspended mail: "First Day airmail to Israel" return paid post card (RPPC) from CHICAGO Palestine Postal History Society to postmaster PETACH TIKVA, pre-printed with 3c franking + additional 22c franking for overseas airmail, postmarked "Chicago-Airmail" 29 JUN 1948 (1st day of US-Israel mail) & erroniously stamped "Return to Mailing Office | Service Suspended | AMF [Air Mail Facility] Chicago" K-Type-IX instructional marking - subsequently marked out by pencil: official notice of renewed postal link was made same day but not received in time here; forwarded to Israel where PETACH TIKVA trilingual postmark applied dated 7-7-1948 - this unique: per Kibble (p.51) only "cards sent dated 29 June from Chicago that did not receive the instructional marking made it to Israel".