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Indian postal markings on Egyptian postal boycott of Israel mail: 11 II 1952 pre-printed air letter from BYCULLA - BOMBAY to [ma'abarah / new immigrant camp - "tzrif [hut] 150"] at KIRYAT NAHUM [in KIRYAT ATA] via HAIFA, pre-franked 6 Anna & tied by full strike of local postmark; misrouted via Egypt, where opened & resealed by censor (K-Type-C), marked by K-Type-1 censor handstamp (#51) on front and returned to sender undelivered; upon return-arrival the Indian post office tied the front with a SERVICE SUSPENDED handstamp, and although sent with a full return address the cover was not claimed, and routed to the local Dead Letter Office which backstamped it 26 MAR 52 & added a DLO-10 postal label tied by two DLO BOMBAY handstamps - the letter remains unopened. Extremely rare mail as only 2 such covers known (the other posted to a different address), both from February 1952 (this cover bearing better strikes of the postal markings) and likely erroniously placed in a mailbag for Egypt. Interesting address: the immigrant camp was established at the end of 1951 and housed new Jewish immigrants from Poland, Romania and Iraq; the camp was known for season flooding due to its location, and closed at the start of 1962. Cover addressed to a "Miss Kitty Solomon c/o Victor Ezzair", possibly a Kibbutz volunteer.