Post-Auction Direct Sale $90.00
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Underfranked surface mail to China: 8-10-1968 surface mailed cover on pre-printed stationary from TEL AVIV to "Postmaster" Pekin (BEIJING), underfranked at 0.15L - the DO-12 period domestic letter rate, but half the 0.30L SU-18 period surface rate; marked by boxed T cachet - possibly in Australia, then again in China by the local oval tax cachet & arrived on 16 Jan 1969 - however, as the address was deemed "insufficient" the cover was marked as such & returned; received 27-2-1969 in TEL AVIV (backstamp); torn open but complete. Scarce destination. The long 3 month+ dispatch leg relative to the fast 1⅓ month return leg probably relates to Israel's resticted sea access - around Africa rather than through Suez.