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4/1951 extra weight airmail to US w/ 250pr 1st Airmail & 15Pr 3rd Coinage stamps

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1950 1st airmail 250pr on mail: 3-4-1951 registered airmail cover from HAIFA to NEW YORK franked 265pr at the FA-2a postage period rate (80pr letter + 25pr registration + 4x 40pr R-letter 10g additional weight) using 250pr (Ba37) + 15pr 1950 3rd Coinage (Ba44) tied by single strike of Haifa-25 postmark on front + 2 on back, with Mandate registry-label and Israeli "dash" censor cachet on front; backstamped APR 7 1951 transit & arrival; opened at back. Estimated value $100+

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1950 1st airmail 250pr on mail: 3-4-1951 registered airmail cover from HAIFA to NEW YORK franked 265pr at the FA-2a postage period rate (80pr letter + 25pr registration + 4x 40pr R-letter 10g additional weight) using 250pr (Ba37) + 15pr 1950 3rd Coinage (Ba44) tied by single strike of Haifa-25 postmark on front + 2 on back, with Mandate registry-label and Israeli "dash" censor cachet on front; backstamped APR 7 1951 transit & arrival; opened at back. Estimated value $100+