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8/1916 WWI Holyland German military EXPEDITIONSKORPS postcard to BERLIN

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WWI German military post: 21-8-1916 semi-picture postcard official "feldpostkarte" of 'Gulaschkanone' (Goulash cannon) from FELDPOST MIL. MISS. 1 EXPEDITIONSKORPS to BERLIN mailed unfranked as military mail and tied by postmark Ba M-8/FPOP 257. Estimated value $160+

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WWI German military post: 21-8-1916 semi-picture postcard official "feldpostkarte" of 'Gulaschkanone' (Goulash cannon) from FELDPOST MIL. MISS. 1 EXPEDITIONSKORPS to BERLIN mailed unfranked as military mail and tied by postmark Ba M-8/FPOP 257. Estimated value $160+